Daily News reports that Huma Abedin, the wife of Anthony Weiner and a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton failed to respond to a Republican senator’s inquiry about her work as a contractor while she was still working for Secretary of State Clinton
According to a recent Daily News report, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley sent Abedin and the State Department a letter last month demanding details on a part-time contracting job that Abedin held while serving as a top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (See “Huma Abedin fails to respond to Senator's inquiry into her work for private contractor while she was still working for Hillary at the State Department” by Dan Friedman, 7/5/13, NY Daily News [http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/huma-abedin-blows-chuck-grassley-article-1.1391404#ixzz2YQJMQMQ2]).
The wife of Democratic mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner, apparently has blown-off a top senator seeking details about her unusual employment deal last year. The senator, Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, had written a letter to Huma Abedin and the State Department last month. In it he demanded that they provide details by June 27 concerning a part-time job that Abedin performed, while Huma also served as a top aide to Hillary Clinton, while she was Secretary of State. Huma’s part-time work was as a contractor/consultant to the Teneo company from June 2012 to Februray 2013. Senator Grassley’s letter specifically asked if Teneo, a “global strategic consulting firm,” paid Abedbin to glean “political intelligence” from the federal government for clients of Teneo.
According to the News last Friday, Ms. Abedin had neither responded to nor acknowledged Senator Grassley’s letter.
Although the News reported that Ms Abedin had no legal obligation to respond to the Senator’s letter, Phillipe Reines, a senior Clinton adviser, said Ms. Abedin planned to provide information on her personal finances for inclusion in a combined response the that the State Department will provide to the Iowa senator. According to the report by Dan Friedman of the News, Reines said,
“As someone who worked in the Senate for eight years, she appreciates better than most the important role Congress plays.”
Given the esteem that the GOP has for both Ms. Clinton and Mr. Weiner, and also given that Huma Abedin’s personal history is almost to the level of broken glass, one wonders why this hasn’t become a bigger song and dance tune on the GOP jukebox already.
Back when Senator Grassley’s letter to Huma Abedin first made news, in early- to mid-June, Anthony Weiner seemed more than conversant about all the issues involved; and he seemed more than willing to put himself into the middle of things (See “Back in Park Slope, Weiner Defends Huma from Grassley, and Takes a Shot at Lord Governor Lhota” by Reid Pillifant, 6/16/13, Capital New York [http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/politics/2013/06/8530985/back-park-slope-weiner-defends-huma-grassley-and-takes-shot-lord-go]).
Jimmy tell me all the Democrats are not crooks. Please tell me they are not all crooks the Democrats and Jimmy I know you are a good person.
ReplyDeleteHow do I know this Jimmy, because you try to report it exactly like you see it and Jimmy I appreciate this more than you will ever know and keep up the good work, it's American's just like you an ordinary man that make America the greatest country in the world and it is my pleasure to know you. Bye Jimmy. Captain America
You can call me "Gale," or you can call me "Galewyn," or you can call me "GM," but you don't have to call me "Mr. Massey"; and nobody calls me "Jimmy" no more...
DeleteUPDATE: Since the past weekend the city-wide press has done a series of “Puff Pieces” about Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin (Weiner?).
ReplyDeleteThe most vapid was the one appearing in the Daily News, which chose to focus on an insipid item of clothing worn by the candidate’s wife and raise it’s significance by making some kind of comparison to the First Lady, Michelle Obama ( See “Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, borrows Michelle Obama’s look, forgoing haute couture for $75 ASOS dress on campaign trail” by Leslie Larson, 7/15/13, NY Daily News [http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/huma-abedin-borrows-michelle-obama-lookbook-article-1.1399102#ixzz2ZE0sokED]). According to the News article, “Hillary Clinton's most trusted adviser once told Vogue she preferred Channel and Prada over the affordable Ann Taylor for professional dress, but now Huma is playing the good political wife by toning down her designer tastes while her husband tries to appeal to the common man.” If you believe it, the News wants you to think that since her husband has shifted from sexting his fully-filled shorts to running for NYC’s mayorality, Weiner’s wife has shifted from being a spiffy clothes horse to being the old dray mare.
Picturing Wiener’s wife in the same dress featured in the Daily News article mentioned above, the NY Post ran a piece about Huma Abedin doing her personal version of “Stand By Your Man” as she did several campaign stops along with hubby Anthony on Sunday( See “Huma Abedin campaigns alongside hubby Anthony Weiner” by Sally Goldenberg, 7/15/13, NY Post/Blog
Although the articles about Huma Abedin almost always mention that she has been a high trusted aide to Mrs. Clinton, both before and during her tenure as Secretary of State, there is seldom any mention, and certainly no in-depth discussion, of Mrs. Weiner’s close family connections and problematic activities, which might well be characterized as being an agent of influence, and possibly even a mole, on behalf of radical and extremist transnational Islamic groups.
Gale you have to love Hillary and she is a very strong women to put up with her sex fiend husband and he can't help himself and even great men like him have faults and what does Hillary do, she forgives him for deep down inside she loves him. I love the both of them Gale and so should you
ReplyDeleteKumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya,
DeleteKumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya,
Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya, oh, Lord, Kumbaya....
Someone`s singing, Lord, Kumbaya,
someone`s singing, Lord, Kumbaya.
Someone`s singing, Lord, Kumbaya, oh Lord, Kumbaya....
--- Joan Baez version
[Full Song Lyrics: http://www.lyrster.com//www.lyrster.com/lyrics/kumbaya-lyrics-joan-baez.html#ixzz2ZdBlqtVi]
Ah ! The sixties ... where's a Dick Nixon now that the country needs one again ... next time no more nice guy ... President for Life !