Saturday, October 13, 2012

Long-time journalist and author Edward Klein posted in the Daily Caller and appeared on CNBC’s Kudlow Report telling of a possible “Clinton – Obama Rift” over the whole Benghazi fiasco and other Clinton – Obama problems

Current coolness/distance between team-Clinton and team-Obama has re-arisen over lack of communication by Obama and the Obama Campaign with Bill Clinton since the Democratic Convention and team-Clinton’s worry that the Obama Campaign might try to isolate Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Department from the rest of the Obama Administration over Benghazi

In a feature post for the Daily Caller, “Frenemy Of The State ...”(10-12-12) Ed Klein reports that his contacts close to Bill Clinton have told him that the Obama-Clinton rift has re-opened after the  Benghazi and Obama debate fiascos. In addition, Klein reports that President Obama is not returning Bill Clinton’s calls and the Clintons are preparing their own strategies to handle any blame for the Benghazi attacks and killings.

According to Ed Klein’s post, “ the wake of the fatal attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, [Bill] Clinton is concerned that the White House and Obama’s campaign headquarters in Chicago are moving to dump political and legal blame for the Libya mess on the State Department and, by definition, on Hillary Clinton herself.... [and Bill] Clinton is working on a strategy that will allow Hillary to avoid having Benghazi become a stain on her political fortunes should she decide to run for president in 2016."

A related 10-12-12 post in the Daily Caller by Alex Pappas, “Author Ed Klein: As Benghazi blame nears Hillary, Clintons grow furious” contained a report of Pappas’ interview with Ed Klein in which the following was said: “...Bill Clinton has assembled an informal legal team to discuss how the Secretary of State should deal with the issue of being blamed for not preventing the Benghazi terrorist attack last month. ***  White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters during a press conference Friday that responsibility for the consulate in Libya fell on the State Department, not the White House....”; and that “Bill is working on a number of strategies about what Hillary ought to do. He’s even gone so far as to play with various doomsday scenarios including up to the idea that Hillary would consider resigning over the issue if the Obama team tries to use her as a scapegoat,”

Ed Klein also appeared on CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report” on Friday (10-12-12) and said that former President Clinton is reaching out to friends in the legal profession trying to figure out what his wife, the Secretary of State, should do if she’s subpoenaed  to testify about events in Libya. Klein also said that if you listened closely to the language used by Joe Biden in the debate, Bill Clinton's move may be more than simply precautionary. Klein explained to Larry Kudlow that, “Biden said something like we were unaware – nobody told us. What does that say? The only person who did know is Hillary Clinton.... This is exactly what Bill Clinton was afraid of.” // (blog)  Kudlow: Obama to Pin Libya on Hillary Clinton //

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