Friday, October 12, 2012

Gene R. Berardelli, Esq., breaks "Radio" silence with tweet over VP Biden’s debating style — but nothing about intense criticism of Eaton, Gallo and Berardelli for their 45th AD Independence Party primary comments

The official Brooklyn GOP Radio blog run by Gene Berardelli has been very quiet through the final stages of this 2012 Campaign  —  the most recent activity is GB's  tweet tweaking VP Biden for his interruptions during the Biden-Ryan debate 

The last significant item posted on the “Brooklyn GOP Radio - Official - Show Blog” was an October 9th post, “BUREAUCRACY TRUMPS DEMOCRACY: JUDGE AGREES WITH RUSSELL GALLO – BUT CALLS NEW PRIMARY ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ ” by Gene R. Berardelli, Esq., the Chairman of the Brooklyn Republican Party Law Committee and the principal host of the “Brooklyn GOP Radio...Blog”.

That very negative post by Mr. Berardelli and specific derogatory quotes contained in it by Brooklyn GOP Chairman Craig Eaton, and the 45th AD Republican candidate and co-host of the  “Brooklyn GOP Radio - Official - Show Blog”, Russell Gallo were all severely criticized on this blog in two posts below ( “Gatemouth Post about Gallo's write-in rant and related matters was Right On” -- 10/10/12; and “Eaton, Gallo and Berardelli have unseemly tantrum on GOP Blog after Court’s ruling that the BOE certification of Ben Akselrod as Independence Party candidate in the 45th AD stands” – 10/9/12 ).  An even more pointed critique by Gatemouth,  “CRY NO TEARS FOR RUSS GALLO,”  was posted on October 10th  at Room Eight, in which Gatemouth charged Gallo, Berardelli and Eaton with rank hypocrisy for complaining about the BOE and court determinations that certified Ben Akselrod as the winner of the IP primary.  Gatemouth’s piece contained  a very interesting analysis that showed how those favoring Gallo might well have had a hand in causing the mis-handling of the write-in ballots in the Independence Party primary, about which Gallo, Eaton and Berardelli had been whining on the “Brooklyn GOP Radio...Blog”.

So far, none of people who had been chided for their hypocritical and negative commentary about the Independence Party primary, and about the BOE and court certifications of the results of that primary have responded in any way to the strong criticism leveled at them —  most notable among them is Gene R. Berardelli, who has been almost, but not completely, “Silent” on his “Brooklyn GOP Radio...Blog”.

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