Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Who wants to be >>> HAR <<< angued for the next four years by this >>> HAR-HAR-HAR** <<< Democrat candidate for POTUS ???

Kamala pitching her bitch about the dangers 
of Donald Trump's 
becoming a U.S. dictator "... on day one"

The possibility that worst President in history, Joe Biden, might be followed into the White House by the worst Vice President in history, Kamala Harris, to be his successor.....


Could anything be any better ?

What could possibly go wrong ???

Meanwhile Amazon's disembodied female question answerer, Alexa says that  >>> “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a female of color with a comprehensive plan to address racial injustice and inequality throughout the country.”  Amazingly, the Amazon audio avatar claimed another reason to vote for Harris is that she is a “strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment.”

We here on this blog wonder why Harris' undisputed history of having been a whore to power brokers and influencers was not mentioned as one of her main assets in her attempt to step up from her spot behind Biden as his VP   >>>  up to the coup-beneficiary-Democrat- candidate-for-POTUS.


** "HAR-HAR-HAR"  =  harpy, harridan, and harlot; and the word is out again that she's also pretty much a har-rible person to be around.....  

Back in the day when virginity and chastity were considered to have been virtues, women like Kamala, who had sex outside of marriage were considered harlots; and no woman wanted to be called a "harlot” or a "whore";  but Kamala Harris' supporters and protectors obviously don'r want to see her "slut-shamed"; probably because they think Kamala is the kind of flower that would smell as sweet whether it was on its back or on its knees.


  1. Ask your doctor about lithium carbonate.

  2. Tell us you're geriatric, hate women, and your d*ck is busted w/o telling us you're a geriatric woman-hater w a busted d*ck.
