Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Assassination Conspiracy against Trump --- Evidence of a "conspiracy of silence" following the Saturday "incident" goes all the way to the top of the Biden Administration


The impeached Biden Administration official dissembler Alejandro Mayorkas is now attempting to interfere with the House of Representative’s investigation into the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump at last Saturday's campaign rally in Butler, Pa. ---  according to those close to the congressional team putting together House-led investigations and hearings on the assassination attempt  >>>  and the multiple instances of the Secret Service's dirty hands in many aspects of it

Make no mistake  ---  all the way up the chain of command, the Biden Administration has been completely involved in all of this  ---  possibly all the way up to First Lady Jill Biden

According to a report in Breitbart news: "The shooting was 'an epic failure,'....” Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Texas)said during an interview at the GOP’s national convention that  >>> “It is very concerning that right off the bat, we see [DHS Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security] obfuscating as opposed to being transparent. This should be something that, regardless of party, we don’t allow ... in our country....  We were scheduled for a first briefing today, just on the facts of the case, what’s going on, what they know now, and DHS has stepped in between the communications now of the Secret Service and the Oversight Committee, and are now trying to control the communication ...."

Congressman Cloud is a member of the House’s oversight committee, which is chaired by Rep. James Comer (R-KY).


  1. FBI says its a plot by Iran. Makes sense. The Cubans are laying low after the FBI said they killed JFK.

  2. Myorkas is running interference for Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheadle.

    Cheadle is the most recent Achilles Heal for the Biden White House, because she was personally picked to run Joe Biden's palace guard by Jill Biden; and is a key operator in maintaining Bidens' bodyguard of lies protecting his rotting presidency.

    Cheadle is scheduled to testify before Congress on Monday, but has made it clear that she will not appear.

    As far as the Biden Administration is concerned, they can't let Cheadle appear, she knows too much about the assassination attempt and everything else going on at the White House.

  3. "Achilles Heal" -- [sic]/LOL
    "bodyguard of lies" (wut?)
    "rotting corpse"
    "knows too much"
    Over-the-top hilarity, ConspiraBot!

  4. BREAKING NEWS: FBI says the Crooks family called the police on the day of the shooting because the son was missing. Who calls the police to report a 20 year old is missing at 12 noon? More of FBI blaming cops.

    And google Edward Natali the Butler County Commissioner. He rebuts the FBI. Also the Butler County District Attorney disputes FBI tale of cop retreating after Crooks pointed gun at him. The DA says the cop fired his gun at Crooks.

  5. Cheadle was great in Boogie Nights.

  6. Cheadle didn't answer any real questions a yesterday's "briefing"; and Ray was just as bad.

    Somebody needs to ask Ray what the FBI "observers" were doing in the Keystone State town of Butler while the other law enforcement agencies looked and acted like Mack Sennet's Keystone Cops.

    Everything new about this attempted assassination of Trump in the way of more detailed info about the pre-shot work by the Secret Service makes them look worse and worse at protecting Trump.

    One direct question to Kim Cheadle should be, "Did anybody in the 'Deep State' get to you and you not to interfere in their black op attempt to deal with Trump in their own very special way.

  7. Keystone Cops along with expressions like a "debacle" are wrong.

    This was a conspiracy to kill Trump. Today the Butler PA police force explained that of it's 21 member department only 7 officers were on duty that day. The 7 officers were all assigned to traffic patrol.

    The immediate statements from the FBI that "local law enforcement" were in charge of that perimeter were all lies.

  8. I love the comic relief from this blog and its commenters.
    If you have an e-newsletter pls sign me up.

  9. The Secret service and FBI stated they had Crooks under surveillance but lost him in the crowd. From what I saw Crooks kinda stood out when he was on the roof pointing an AR 15 at Trump.

  10. Kim Cheadle is the deep state.

  11. 257 -- 257 am no less: Your fevered scripts ain't working.
    Get a job.

  12. Who is "Kim Cheadle"?

    Is this some kind intentional disinformation to screw up eveybody's online searches?

    Gail, you have got to do a better job moderating this blog.

    The Secret Service's top Biden hire is named Kimberly Cheatle, and not "Kim Cheadle"; to help you remember, just think that you can't spell "Cheatle" without C-H-E-A-T in it.
