Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Does the so-called "Republican" Brian Fox --- whose personal history has never been properly vetted by the Brooklyn GOP --- have a clue what real party membership, leadership and loyalty is all about ?


The present Brooklyn GOP endorsed candidate for re-election to the NYC Council from the 47th District  >>>  ARI KAGAN  <<< was elected to that seat in 2022 as a woke, defund-the-police Democrat  ---  and nothing thus far in his 2023 re-election campaign shows that Ari Kagan has changed from that Democrat agenda and mindset at all.....

The so-called Republican "consultant" running Ari Kagan's campaign is BRIAN FOX  ---  who purports to be a Republican activist, club president, and elected Republican State and County official  ---  and who was twice a Brooklyn GOP-endorsed candidate for public office.....  "The question begs"  >>>  What kind of campaign is Brian Fox running for Ari Kagan ???

On the substance of Brian Fox's presentation of himself and others associated with him as Republicans in the Brooklyn GOP organization  ---  and their true loyalty to the Republican Party  ---  we present as an exhibit to the contrary  >>>  these photos posted on Brian Fox's political Facebook site:

A pair of photos depicting Brian Fox's recently marching
behind the banner of another party; both pictures next
to its County Chairperson Fran Vella-Marrone of the
Kings County Conservative Party, and one with the
NYSCP Chairman Jerry Kassar  ---  which party
has had a long and legally well-documented 
history of raiding the Brooklyn GOP,
poaching its local patronage; and
obliterating its political
influence in Albany

All of this raises several issues related to the question stated and headlined above this featured post about Fox's membership, leadership and loyalty vis a vis the republican Party

One has to wonder whether Brian Fox uses his Brooklyn GOP lable, and his recent Republican Party credentials, as a tool and key aspect of his grifting ways along with his three year pimp and mentor Liam McCabe.

The question begs as to  >>>  What kind of Republican activism, leadership and consultancy has been provided to a candidate like Ari Kagan, and/or to a Republican County Leader like Ted Ghorra and others in the Brooklyn GOP ?????

And perhaps more important in the long run  >>>  who controls whom in the personal and political dynamics between Fox and the following:  Fran Vella-Marrone and/or Jerry Kassar;  Liam McCabe;  Ted Ghorra;  Lester Chang;  Vito LaBella; and Ari Kagan ???????  Or maybe presented in a slightly different context  >>>  who is playing whom, for what  and for what knd of payoff ?????????


  1. Ari did win in a lansline.

  2. No secret. The follicly challenged GOP Chair sold the Brooklyn GOP to the Conservative party. He is a disgrace and must go

  3. The kind of activism that got Ari 75%

  4. 548 & 1000, the numbers really don't crunch that well for Ari Kagan based both upon his past racing form results in his races for City Council, and a significant fall-off of GOP primary voters since 2017, 3967 votes down to 2104 votes.

    In this just-past GOP Primary, Ari Kagan got fewer votes in his first GOP Primary than John Quaglione did; and don't forget that Quaglione went on to loose to Justin Brannan in 2017. Kagan's just past Republican primary vote total of 1583 votes is far less than the minimum 13,000+ general election votes that he will need to have a shot at defeating Brannan in November 2023. Also, Kagan's 2021 general election vote total of 7,933 votes against Mark Szuszkiewicz is about half of the lowest possible number of votes that Kagan will need this coming November. In fact, the combined vote of Kagan & Szuszkiewicz in 2021, of under 15,000 might not guarantee a victory over Brannan in 2923, because that 15,000 vote total in Kagan's only general election race is 10,000 votes fewer than the vote totals in both of Brannan's races for City Council, against Quaglione in 2017, and against Fox in 2021.

  5. A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing a needle, syringe, and sharps buyback pilot program. ARI KAGAN VOTES AYE.

    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to make medication abortion available at no cost to a patient at its health clinics. ARI KAGAN VOTES AYE.

    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting the use of city resources to enforce abortion restrictions. ARI KAGAN VOTES AYE.

  6. 3:05 has some dreamed up formula that shows even though Ari crushed all opposition 3 to 1 its not a complete victory. Branan loses by a landslide

  7. When is somebody like Ghorra, Kassar, Fran Vella-Marronets, and the professional grifters and sellouts Brian Fox and Liam McCabe going to tell us why they have sold out to Ari Kagan; and then explain to the rest of us why they sold out the rest of us who support Republican and Conservative principles in their perverted scheme.

    They should start by telling everybody how does the Brooklyn GOP, the Brooklyn Conservative Party, and the pretend conservative Republican grifter team of Brian Fox and Liam McCabe explain their full support for a very woke Democrat like Ari Kagan being allowed to run on the Republican and Conservative Party lines in 2023 when he has voted against police funding less than two weeks ago, and as a Democrat City Councilman voted in favor of public funding of abortions by NYC and against any abortion restrictions, and for public funding of programs facilitating drug use in our neighborhoods and on our streets.

  8. 1040, you need to talk to the anti-Kagan GOP members of the Brooklyn GOP Executive Committee who are quite open in telling Ghorra and the rest of the fools who drank the Ari Kagan Kool-Aid that the numbers weren't really there for Kagan in the GOP primary, 75% or no-75%. The GOP total vote was very low, and where it came from is not where the November vote needs to come out for Kagan. Long and short, there are Brooklyn GOP naysayers who are certain the numbers aren't there for Kagan to beat Brannan.

  9. If the numbers arent there for Kagan they most definitely would not have been there for Eaton's candidate Avery Perrera

  10. 356, what is your point? Are you saying that completely selling out the Brooklyn GOP, its supporters and voters to back Ari Kagan because Kagan might get a few more votes than Avery Pereira in a near-certain losing run against Justin Brannan was a real justification?

  11. I can't believe our party has become so desperate that we are backing a RINO who was a Democrat in January and endorsed Kathy Hochul

  12. "A few more votes"
    I would say several thousand!

  13. 720, are you being serious?

    Are you trying to justify a complete sellout of what the Republicans and Conservatives say they stand-for as a cynical tradeoff for a flim-flam, perceived marginally advantageous candidate like Ari Kagan?

    What he might seem to be bringing to the GOP over Avery Periera or Anna Belfiore-Dalfaus, and/or other real Republican candidates who could have been chosen instead, will disappear like flash paper in a cheap magic trick when his votes are counted on election night.
