Tuesday, November 22, 2022

DUH !!! "There is no there, there..." Ted Ghorra tries to defend Assemblymember-elect Lester Chang in looming residency dispute without mentioning the real legal and factual issues involving another in the long line of his badly-vetted candidates for public office.....


Nobody really listens to Ted Ghorra, but now we need to wonder  >>>  does he even listen to himself ???

According to today's NY Post, here's what our illustrious Kings County GOP Leader had to say ---  

".... 'Democrats, who successfully defended their Assembly supermajority despite the Abbate loss, would be 'committing political suicide' with key groups like Asian American voters if they prevented their preferred candidate from taking office, according to Brooklyn Republican leader Ted Ghorra....  'They don’t have a legal leg to stand on,'  Ghorra said about Democrats questioning the residency of Chang, who Ghorra said lives with his mother just outside the district lines....  'The Democrats are going to challenge the residency of a decorated 24-year Navy vet who is taking care of his 95-year-old mom?' Ghorra added. 'There is no there, there.'...”

Maybe, Ghorra needs to stop being his own lawyer.....  That's because Mr. "... They don’t have a legal leg to stand on..."  might well be a named party and a key witness if any case is pursued by the Democrats taking issue with the legitimacy of Lester Chang's having been the 2022 Brooklyn GOP candidate for the Assembly from the 49th AD.....

Ted, it's a residency and time is of the essence case  ---  the issues are simple and straight forward  >>>  since it is a reapportionment year,  all you need to prove is that Lester Chang was a resident of Kings County for 12 months immediately preceding the 2022 general election  ---  surely you can testify to all the things that you did to establish Lester Chang was a legitimate and qualified candidate before you put him on the line to be your candidate against Assemblyman Peter Abbate

Ted Ghorra needs to stop all these distractions and get to work on that book based on his personal experiences screwing up everything possible  ---  and some things not thought to have been possible  ---  having to do with each and every aspect of running a Republican County organization in Brooklyn. 

He can start by explaining what this part of the NYS Constitution means to him:  "....  No person shall serve as a member of the legislature unless he or she is a citizen of the United States and has been a resident of the state of New York for five years, and, except as hereinafter otherwise prescribed, of the assembly or senate district for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election....";  and then this part which follows immediately in the text of the NYS Constitution:  "....  if elected a senator or member of assembly at the first election next ensuing after a readjustment or alteration of the senate or assembly districts becomes effective, a person, to be eligible to serve as such, must have been a resident of the county in which the senate or assembly district is contained for the twelve months immediately preceding his or her election...." (Both quoted texts from NYS Const.,  Art. 3, Sec. 7)

Surely, somebody with Ted's extensive experience as a lawyer and Republican County Leader all these years should have all the skills necessary to explain exactly what that means;  and why he thinks that those who might oppose Lester Chang's being seated as the elected member of the NYS Assembly from the 49th AD "...  don’t have a legal leg to stand on...." 

[[[ Note:  On Election Day 2021, Lester Chang was a candidate on the ballot for the NYC Council from a district in Manhattan, and he voted in the 2021 Election based upon his  enrollment as a voter in New York County.  According to reports, Mr. Chang 's residency for voting purposes was not changed from New York County to Kings County by the NYC Board of Elections until March 1, 2022 ]]]


  1. Did you notice how quick Ted resorted to playing the 'race card'?

    He looks and sounds more like a Democrat than a Republican.

    Why is he the Republican County leader again? That's right, a Democrat judge decided that he should be, in spite of the Republican Party Rules.

  2. The Dems have a great big legal leg to stand on. It's called "the law."

  3. The point Ted was making is for the democratic party to kick out an Asian is an insult to the community.


    Ted is race baiting the Chinese, and that's that.

  5. Equity will solve everything.

  6. So it's racist to challenge Lester Chang's residency but it's not racist to run CAPE COD VITO "I HATE FUGGIN BROOKLYN" LA BELLA MARKET PLACE for a Chinese seat ?????

  7. Peter Abbate will worm his way back in.

  8. It's racist to say what Ghorra said about the Dems challenging Lester Chang's being given a seat that he might not be elligible to hold; and it's also racist for the Dems to try try to create a Chinese seat for Iwen Chu, especially if it was directly at the expense of a Latino seat in a large part of the same area.

  9. I'm not making any moves until I hear from Liam

  10. Vito got 49.8%

    Thats 49% more than Bob.

  11. 927, if either Bob Capano or John Quaglione had the Republican and Conservative lines in 2022 against Iwen Chu, they would have won. Also, the apparent election of Lester Chang shows that somebody like the Conservative Party's Chung Dick would also probably have won if he had run on both the Republican and Conservative lines.

    Instead, Ghorra, Kassar, and Vella-Marrone decided that two unfit candidates like Lester Chang and Vito LaBella would be their strawman candidates for 2022 in that part of Brooklyn.

    As a result of Ghorra's, Kassar's, and Vella-Marrone's bad choices for candidates in the 17th SD and 49th AD; come 2023, the only GOP office holders in Brooklyn will either be from Staten Island or loyal to Dov Hikind, who now is closer to really being the Republican-Conservative leader in Brooklyn than the other three bozos combined.

  12. Does anyone know if the feds found Liam's drunken text messages on Eric Ulrich cell-phone?

  13. In the history of the Brooklyn GOP never did it get embarassed as much as by the actions of Ghorra, including the recent mistake where he ran a candidate in Lester Chang that was not qualified to run.

    I was a CC Member and DL for many many years and also sat on the Exec Board of several Chairs, and we would every year check the BOE Registrations of every candidate to ensure that they met the requirements. And this year the requirements were relaxed because of the change of district lines, and they still screwed it up.

    And what about the other BOZO Ray Riley? He runs the Brooklyn BOE and has access to everything. Didnt he vet these candidates including Chang? He should be fired immediately and Ghorra should resign.

    This after Zeldin losing in Brooklyn by a greater margin than in any other County. Disgraceful...

  14. 10 am sounds like Capano or quaglione.

    Lester Chang won and Vito lost by less than 1%.

    Capano and Quaglione have a total of 9 losing races. Or is it 11?

  15. Quaglione is the type who locks his doors when he's in the car and sees a black person

  16. Lester Chang won and will be sworn in on January 1, 2023. The could have scenarios of people like Chunk Dick are yesterdays news.

  17. Ray Riley from the BOE is in Abbates pocket. And come January Abbate is back in the assembly. Get the picture?

    The comment from 11:30 claims he was a CC and DL but sounds more like a jerkoff.

  18. 1215, not so fast you very likely "round eye" Republican or Conservative nincompoop!

    Under the NYS Assembly Rules, any contest of the election of any "member" can be reviewed by the Assembly itself and appropriate action taken. ("§ 8. Contest of election. A contest of the election of any member shall be referred to the Judiciary Committee for investigation and report.")

  19. 1215, not so fast you very likely "round eye" Republican or Conservative nincompoop!

    Under the NYS Assembly Rules, any contest of the election of any "member" can be reviewed by the Assembly itself and appropriate action taken. ("§ 8. Contest of election. A contest of the election of any member shall be referred to the Judiciary Committee for investigation and report.")

    As to the relevance of Chung Dick, contrary to being "yesterdays news" (sic), he will be getting more, and more relevant going forward in all of this.

  20. Run Nick Run. Show us a real GOP council candidate

  21. Nick will crush anybody who gets in the way

  22. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-hah-oh-ho-ho-hee-hee-hee! Good one.

  23. Lots of envy for nick

  24. I for one think an out-of-work cellphone case salesman would make for a fantastic city council candidate!

  25. They could run as a slate.

    Chambareass & Dick

  26. I dont remember that old guy eaton ever electing anyone

  27. 116, you don't have a very good memory.

  28. Eaton came out of retirement and endorsed Vito.

    How did that turn out?

  29. 116, here would be the list of Eaton's election Victories:

    Sen Golden re-elected 5 times
    Cong Fossella, Donovan, Grimm elected over 10 years
    Cong Turner - Special Election victory
    Assemb Mallitakis - elected and re-elected 3 times
    Sen Storobin - Special Election victory

    Am I missing any?

  30. Mayor Adams welcomed assemblyman elect Chang at City Hall.

  31. 1042, what is your point?

  32. The point is Lester Chang is going to Albany because our chairperson has revived the Brooklyn GOP.

  33. 707 (Eaton)
    Eaton worked against Golden when he lost.

  34. Ted defeated abbate. Craig was just hanging around incumbents.

  35. Half the comments on here are by GM or one of the admins posting Justin’s rants. It really is that obvious.

  36. 954, you and I can go to Albany along with Lester Chang, and whether "our chairperson" reviving the Brooklyn GOP has anything to do or say about it is a moot point. Let's see if any of us is allowed to sit as a member of the Assembly in 2023, including Lester Chang.

    BTW, if "our chairperson" revived the Brooklyn GOP, when did it die, and what did he do to revive it.

  37. The Brooklyn GOP died the day Eaton took over. Chairperson Ghorra has brought in operatives that created the recent victories. Nick C, Robert M, are just a few.

  38. People coming on a blog like this to post on Thanksgiving clearly have a lot going for them in life;-)

  39. Chairman Ghorra brought in Nick C. and Robert M. that created the recent victories?

    I didn't know that.

    Now, I'm really confused. I suddenly don't know what I think about Ghorra and Nick C., but I still don't know who Robert M. is or if he matters in all of this creationism..
