Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Here's an interesting "Before" and "After" for the Young Swain, Karim Elsammak


The big question is  

>>>  "Before" and "After" <<< 

What ???




Well, Karim will have to answer that.....

First, it's Karim Elsammak  >>> as a young boy from a local JHS. Then, over fifteen years later, it's still a very young beardless person, named "Karim Elsammak" in a very tony leather jacket walking on Third Avenue in Bay Ridge. 

Where was he from  ---  Where has he been  ---  Where is he going  ---  What has he done ? 

--- AND ---

What has been done to that young boy from a local JHS from then until now ???


What is he all about right now  ---  plus, what's he up to  ?????

--- AND ---

Who has put him up to it & why ???????  




  1. So, Gail, tell us. Is Karim a Z-baby or a slow-growing millennial?

  2. The before & after is obvious. After he put on a jacket.

  3. Is the Karim in the leather jacket a Z-baby or a slow-growing millennial?
