Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Is John Quaglione showing everybody that he’s the Brooklyn GOP’s “800 Pound Gorilla” in the race for the Republican nomination for City Council from the 43rd District

John Q has now twice shown that he can be the leader among the Republican candidates when it comes to fund raising  ---  AND  ---  That he has the political muscle to be  “The Man”  to head something like the Norwegian Day Parade in Bay Ridge

Latest NYCCFB filings show John Quaglione ahead in the $$$$ race;  but Liam McCabe is still competitive; and although Bob Capano continues to lag, he has enough $$$$ on hand to keep his campaign going into petitioning and a new round of fundraising

According to the latest campaign filing summaries:   John Quaglione leads the GOP pack,  by raising at least  $68, 974,  having spent at least $20,116,  leaving about $48,858 available;   Liam McCabe has raised a total of  $49,784,  having spent $24,581,  and that leaves an estimated $25,203 on hand;   leaving Bob Capano somewhat behind in all categories,  with  $38,021 raised up to the latest filing,  $19,075  spent,  and only  about $18, 946 cash on hand.

Even though it looks like Johnnie Q has virtually lapped Bob Capano already in the fund raising sweepstakes,  Bobby C should have enough cash in the bank to insure an effective petitioning operation.  Then he can do at least a little more fundraising to go along with matching funds to complete a substantive primary campaign. 

The picture is much the same for Liam McCabe,  but he goes into the next phase,  petitioning with a somewhat healthier balance than Capano.

Another declared candidate for the Republican spot in the 43rd Counc. Dist., Lucetia Regina-Potter did not appear in the NYCCFB's financial summaries

Again,  it cannot be gainsaid that John Quaglione has a substantial lead in the financial department…..   Usually,  that also bespeaks other organizational advantages,   which it now look like the Quaglione campaign is beginning to demonstrate.


Showing an ability to garner his share of earned media,  John Quaglione also demonstrated a genuine ability  to reach out into the community and get a really nice show of support from the remnant of the once dominant Norwegian community in Bay Ridge,  by being made the “Civic Honorary Marshall of the Norwegian Day Parade”  ( See   May 4th Facebook posting by Arlene Bakke Rutuelo   []).

Let me head-off at least one of my irate contributors,  who was very quick to point out to me that John Quaglione’s selection to have any place in this year’s Norwegian Parade was arranged by JQ’s fellow employee and subordinate on State Senator Martin Golden’s staff,  Arlene Bakke Rutuelo.   From what I can pick up from interested parties both inside the Brooklyn GOP and outside of it,  Johnny Cakes has not heard the last of how his selection to be a Parade Marshall for the Norwegian Day Parade was a blatant act of politicizing the parade and other Norwegian connections. 

Like I said in my headline to this piece,  as far as I'm concerned, all this shows is that John Quaglione is beginning to look like the Republican Party’s  “800 Pound Gorilla” in this 2017 race for the same City Council seat that JQ pursued so gingerly in 2013.


  1. Bye Liam it was nice to know you.
    Conservative Party with Q

  2. At least DiCarlo was half Swedish.

  3. McCabe raised a paltry $4,857 and spent $14, 251 this filing period. Looks like the only winner on Team McCabe will be Gerry O.

    Lights out, McCain. It's time for John Q. to assume his spot as heir apparent.

  4. The only apparent heir John Q qualifies for is the Lindbergh baby.

  5. Was Lindbergh from Norway? Asking for a friend.

  6. Lindy was one America's Great Danes, perhaps the greatest. I thought Lindbergh was from St. Louis, Missouri, but I looked it up and he was born in Detroit, Michigan.

  7. It doesn't matter which way y'all slice it, this is a major blow for Liam's camp .
    Q fired some serious shots across the bow and he is saying "There's a new sheriff in town and my name is Quaglione" all that's left is dessert and coffee.

  8. Actually, Q looked around his desk, rearranged some papers, thought about what to get for lunch, blew his nose, cleared his throat, and daydreamed for about twenty minutes.

    He does that anytime someone suggests he needs to get serious about the race.

  9. Yeah, yeah, Q measuring the drapes for his Council office, already interviewing Council staffers, planning ahead to the 2022 reapportionment ...

    He was a terrible candidate in 2013, and time has not been kind to him.

  10. I like Quaglione very much. He is such a decent man. But a candidate? No way.

  11. Gail, why are you suddenly treating Quaglione as a prohibitive front-runner?
    Didn't you recently give Bob Capano some money at his last fund raiser?
    Aren't you being a teeny-weeny bit fickle; or do you have a very clever dichotomous approach to all of these Republican campaigns?

  12. Q is a proven loser and capano is on life support.

    O'Brien knows what he's doing.

  13. Now heading The Norwegian Day Parade makes you "The Man"?

    That parade died along with Bill Conklin


    TO: "ANONYMOUS SAID... AT 9:11 PM"


    I think what I think, I contribute what I contribute, I write what I write and I post what I post..... Whether there is a Baldrick-like cunning plan, or merely a whimsical urge here and/or there is for me to know and for you (and others) to guess about.....

    However, YOU of all people should know that for this year's 43rd Council District race there are so many GOP and Conservative Party things afoot, meals are being served on top of the table while there're deals being served under the very same table, and there are so many balls in the air that there aren't enough hands to grab them and put them away before some of them get caught in a zipper or two or three --- OUCHA-MAGOUCHA ! ! !

    What one of the candidates told me on Wednesday afternoon about the Conservative Party and their endorsement in the 43rd district race was nothing short of shocking..... But, when I said, "Now, THAT IS BIG NEWS !!!" That candidate told me that it was only for deep background and not for release anytime before the Kings County Conservatives hold their endorsement meeting.

  15. the ny post reports nicole just got conservative endorsement

    will she follow bill buckleys pledge if she wins?

  16. Arlene, who is a staffer for the Golden office should resign after this blatant show of nepotism. Politicizing the Norwegian Parade is the last dagger in a parade suffering as it is right now.

  17. If the Norwegian's were just going to name anybody running for city council to be their parade marshall, it should have been Liam McCabe, because he really looks like he is Norwegian.

  18. Johnny Q, locking up the Norwegian Vote!

    (50 years after that constituency disappeared)
