Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Local pol makes statewide news with his Brooklyn-wide polling for Kings County D.A. race

In a rare move by anybody running for any office,  Brooklyn City Councilman Vinny Gentile’s campaign crew sent his internal polling data to the folks at  “POLITICO” for them to give it a look  ---  AND  ---  A STORY

A blind release of the Gentile piece in today’s Politico coverage was sent to me so I wouldn’t miss it until after we all stopped being young anymore  

According to the lead item  (but not the title piece) from today’s column by the Politico-New York team  ---  
An internal poll conducted for Councilman Vincent Gentile finds that he has the highest name recognition of the six candidates for Brooklyn District Attorney, in what's expected to be one of the most competitive races of the year. Still, none of the candidates is widely known to a majority of voters, according to the poll of 630 likely voters conducted by Public Policy Polling from April 6 through 9. It has a margin of error of 3.9 percent. A copy of the poll was provided to POLITICO New York by the Gentile campaign.  
Gentile, who is term-limited from the City Council and previously served in the state senate, has a favorability rating of 21 percent and unfavorably rating of 14 percent, with 65 percent of voters saying they do not know enough about to him to state an opinion. Acting Brooklyn district attorney Eric Gonzalez, a longtime fixture who has been running the office since the death of Ken Thompson last October, has a favorable/unfavorable rating of 19/8 percent, with 72 percent not sure. The next closest candidate is Ama Dwimoh, who worked in the children's crime bureau in that office; Dwimoh has a favorability rating of 16 percent and an unfavorably rating of 12 percent, with 73 percent unsure. The rest of the candidates are hovering around 11 percent favorability with 79 percent unsure.
In a head-to-head match-up, Gonzalez leads with just 15 percent, followed by Gentile at 11 percent, Dwimoh at 10 percent, the rest of the candidates in single digits and 48 percent of voters unsure whom to support. Since publicly entering the race last week, Gentile has sought to distinguish himself from his rivals by noting he is the only one who did not work for Thompson's longtime predecessor, Charles Hynes, under whose watch nearly two dozen convictions were reversed (thanks to a review led by Thompson). In the poll, 31 percent of voters said they were more likely to vote for a candidate who worked under Hynes, and 26 percent said they were less likely; 32 percent said it would not make a difference and 11 percent were unsure….”   (See  "Assembly Dems Eye IDC--- DeBlasio Unites with Oddo --- Breitbart Turns Down the Volume on Kushner" by Jimmy Vielkind in Albany and Azi Paybarah in Manhattan, with Addy Baird and Daniel Lippman, 4/11/17,   Politico-New York   [http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/new-york-playbook/2017/04/assembly-dems-eye-idc-de-blasio-unites-with-oddo-breitbart-turns-down-the-volume-on-kushner-219698]). 


No doubt, the Gentile campaign folks think this was a big enough news item that they took pains to see that it would even show up on a Brooklyn Republican blog like this…..   Since they took the trouble to keep me in the loop,  I decided to return the favor and give it the full feature treatment that it completely deserves.




    Q1 How likely would you say you are to vote in the Democratic primary election for Mayor, District Attorney, and other important offices in September – are you certain to vote, will you probably vote, are the chances 50/50, or will you probably not vote?
    91% Certain to vote
    9% Will probably vote
    0% Chances are 50/50
    0% Will probably not vote

    Q2 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Eric Gonzalez?
    19% Favorable
    8% Unfavorable
    72% Not sure

    Q3 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Vincent Gentile?
    21% Favorable
    14% Unfavorable
    65% Not sure

    Q4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Patricia Gatling?
    11% Favorable
    10% Unfavorable
    79% Not sure

    Q5 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Ama Dwimoh?
    16% Favorable
    12% Unfavorable
    73% Not sure

    Q6 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Anne Swern?
    11% Favorable
    8% Unfavorable
    82% Not sure

    Q7 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Marc Fleidner?
    10% Favorable
    11% Unfavorable
    79% Not sure

    Q8 If the Democratic primary election for Brooklyn District Attorney were held today, and the candidates were Vincent Gentile, Patricia Gatling, Ama Dwimoh, Anne Swern, Eric Gonzalez, and Marc Fleidner, who would you vote for?
    11% Vincent Gentile
    6% Patricia Gatling
    10% Ama Dwimoh
    6% Anne Swern
    15% Eric Gonzalez
    4% Marc Fleidner
    48% Not sure

  2. What about Gangemi?

  3. John Gangemi is 80 YEARS OLD

    He also has no ties to Joe Hynes but then again Gangemi worked in the DA's office 50 years ago under Aaron Koota.

    Koota DIED in 1984.

  4. Gangemi is 78 and still kicking. Morgenthau was 112 when he left.

  5. Gentile could be the sleeper

  6. Yeah, Gentile. I'm sleeping already

  7. Do you know what's not in the poll done for Gentile? There aren't any questions about the impact Councilman Gentile's run for Brooklyn DA will or won't have on the Democratic Primary to fill his City Council seat, which will be held at the same time as the primary for the office of DA.

  8. DOI head Mark Peters may run.
