Sunday, April 30, 2017

April came and went --- that means that almost 20% of the time until the 2017 GOP primary came and went

Did any of the announced Republican candidates for public office advance their campaigns 20% toward a win at the finish line on primary day ???

During the last month,  did anybody in any faction inside the Republican Party infrastructure advance the GOP as a whole 
20%, or even the standing of their own faction inside the party, toward a goal of organizing and/or re-organizing the party in September ???

Let’s start with the candidates citywide  ---  well, let’s say that a 20% improvement on an infinitesimally small number might be impossible to observe and measure.   For example,  the little bit of talk about Nicole Malliotakis possibly being interested in a run for mayor was possibly a 20% uptick in the news about GOP mayoral candidates…..   Like I said,  very difficult to observe, much less measure.   As for the NYC Public Advocate and NYC Comptroller races  ---  it’s like we’re at a crickets’ late summer symphony.

The county-wide races in Brooklyn have been a wasteland for years;  so, 20% of nothing is nothing.   That means as far as the GOP is concerned,  everything is right on track for picking  BP and  DA candidates from the Democrat’s or Conservative’s list,  or something becoming really typical,  leaving the lines blank.

So far in 2017,  the City Council candidacies are a huuuuuuuge embarrassment for the GOP…..   There is a contested primary in only one of Brooklyn’s council districts,  the 43rd;  and I know of only one other declared Republican candidate for the NY City Council in one other council district,  who has registered and is campaigning.   Needless to say, the contested seat in the 43rd Counc. Dist. has generated the most interest and gotten the most coverage  ---  but in April, 2017,  the contestants appear to have cut back their activities 40 to 50%  rather than advance their image and brand 20%.....   (It reminds me of overhearing a consultant advising one of the candidates late this winter  ---  that brilliant sage advised one of the three candidates in the 43rd Counc. Dist. that there was nothing much to do until petitioning,  except some fund raising and getting your name in the papers.   I must have missed that adviser’s sit-downs with the other two candidates,  because all three seem to be reading from his playbook.)   Maybe,  the next financial filings will show that everybody was busy as bees fund-raising in April  (but, I’m not holding my breath on that one).

Now,  for the Kings County Republican Party’s organizing efforts throughout Brooklyn.   Everybody’s stealth campaigns to organize the NY State and Kings County Committees have been 100% successful in attaining their goals for stealth…..


  1. If you stop a voter on the street who follows this stuff they'll tell you the only news they heard is about Bo Dietl who has proven what everybody already knew. Bo is an idiot and he's trying to kill off what's left of the NYC GOP. I guess its ok to have a good laugh at your own funeral.

  2. Dietl had a great pitch to GOP. I tried to run as a democrat but I couldn't fill out the voter registration card, so I'll settle for Republican line.

  3. Gail, you were doing better with the 'show tunes' on your last post.

  4. Bo Deitl or Bo Peep, it don't matter if there aren't any Republican sheep.

  5. wasnt Bo Dietl the porn star into golden showers?

  6. Yikes !!

    Has anyone seen Chuck Schumer lately? Hes had more plastic surgery than Joan Rivers.


    TO: "ANONYMOUS SAID... AT 12:28 PM"


    You're not as sly as you think. Not all old tunes are "show tunes"; and not all "show tunes" are old tunes. But if a jukebox has both old tunes and "show tunes" on it.....

  8. I got a mailing from McCabe a few weeks ago, and was one of about 75 Republicans who attended his meet & greet last Thursday night.

    I'm not 100% sold on Liam yet, but it seems to me that doing mailings and holding public meetings with groups of voters in April is a good thing for his campaign and the local Republican Party.

  9. Does handing out palm cards about ways to reform the MTA count?

    McCabe's been doing that for a couple of weeks now.

    His piece rips the MTA for taking 6 months to refurbish a single train station. Smart move.


    TO: "ANONYMOUS SAID... AT 7:17 AM"

    Your estimate of 75 people seems generous based on the photos that Liam put up on his sites. But, it did look like a fairly decent crowd, maybe closer to 50 or so..... That's not bad for a mid-week "meet & greet" upstairs at a VFW.....

    Liam is doing more than that, I saw him "oot & aboot" taking pictures of some of the rot & decay around the neighborhood..... I suspect he'll be doing a mailing and/or a presentation having to do with that sometime before September..... Possibly, as part of something on a larger scale about infrastructure.....

  11. I saw Capanos picture. It was on a milk container
