Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Judge Andrew Napolitano is back "On Air" at Fox

The man President Trump referred to as "a very talented legal mind" is back on Fox News as their "senior legal analyst".....

More important, he's full of piss and vinegar, and he is standing behind his earlier report that the Obama Administration used the British "signals intelligence" branch, called the GCHQ to obtain electronic surveillance on Trump and some of those persons, places and things around him..... Napolitano also says that his sources in the U.S. intelligence community are likewise still standing behind their original story..... 

And today he said that the government needs to follow up on his reporting, because  >>>  "there is more to come" <<<

What more needs to be said.....


  1. When Gorsuch gets voted down Trump will nominate Napolitano.

  2. Judge Jeanine looks better

  3. Is Roger stone Guccifer?
