Tuesday, November 1, 2016

With sagging polls and lagging enthusiasm, Hillary's Campaign is attacking Comey and the FBI investigation of her E-mails more than her opponent Trump

The Clinton Campaign, most senior Democrats, and their allies in the mainstream media have turned their strongest attacks on FBI Director James Comey  ---  and the very FBI investigation that they so-often quoted as exonerating Hillary Clinton for months up to now

That all shows you what is really terrifying Hillary and the Democrats between now and election day ---  and what they are trying hardest to turn around, right now  

For the pro-Hillary crowd, it's suddenly issue number one ---  as everybody begins the last week of the 2016 presidential campaign

The latest brouhaha caused by Comey's ripping-off of whatever clot had formed on Hillary's scabrous E-mails scandal is now four days old and still counting


According to today's reporting in the Boston Globe, "The Hillary Clinton campaign Monday escalated its efforts to discredit FBI Director James Comey’s disclosure of a revived e-mail investigation, accusing him of applying a double standard for refusing to publicly discuss investigations of Russian meddling in the presidential election....   Comey has come under intense fire for his unusual disclosure to Congress Friday about the discovery of e-mails that the FBI planned to review, a statement that departed from Department of Justice policies to avoid investigative pronouncements shortly before elections....   The Department of Justice sent a letter to Congress Monday saying it would work with the FBI to “expeditiously’’ conduct a review. But it was uncertain that the law enforcement officials would conclude the revived probe of thousands of e-mails before the Nov. 8 election, and the cloud of innuendo created by Comey appeared likely to hang over Clinton’s bid throughout the final week of the campaign....   With polls showing a tightening race amid a damaging controversy, Clinton and her campaign officials rolled out fresh tactics Monday....   ‘'There is no case here,' Clinton said of the FBI review Monday, while campaigning in Ohio at Kent State University. She said the FBI 'jumped into an election with no evidence of any wrongdoing.'..."  (See  "Clinton campaign escalates effort to discredit FBI probe" by Victoria McGrane, 11/1/16, The Boston Globe/ Politics 

The Boston  Globe article by Victoria McGrane went on to state that ---  "....  Clinton’s campaign officials sought to turn the tables more aggressively on Comey, seizing on a report by CNBC. The cable TV channel cited an anonymous source Monday contending that sometime before Oct. 7 Comey had privately argued against US government agencies’ publicly fingering Russia for hacking efforts aimed at meddling in the election. Comey had reportedly argued that it was too close to Election Day to raise the accusation...."


  1. Whatever! The big news Is Trump is ahead in the ABC Poll for the first time

  2. Today near Valley Forge, PA, before VP Candidate Pence started talking about the repeal of Obamacare, he shouted out that the Trump-Pence ticket just moved ahead in the national polls

  3. Hillary sagging !!

    I'm shocked, shocked !!!
