Monday, July 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Her Campaign're Still Lyin’ ‘Bout Her E-Mails and Other Related Stuff

Analysis by “The Daily Caller” shows that almost everything the Hillary Clinton Campaign was and is putting out about her E-mails scandal has been a lie

According to a report in the conservative leaning internet magazine, “The Daily Caller” ---  “A 4,000-word ‘fact sheet’ ***/  on Hillary Clinton’s campaign website contains 35 lies, half-truths, obfuscations, evasive statements and falsehoods about her private email setup ….   Clinton and her campaign have long referred to the 'fact sheet' ***/  in response to questions about her use of a personal email account and private server. Her team of elite attorneys even hid behind the document earlier this year when the State Department’s inspector general sought to interview Clinton about her email practices. IG Steve Linick said during a House hearing last week that Clinton’s team declined an interview request and referred him to her ‘fact sheet.’…   But that document is riddled with false statements. Many of them have been apparent for some time, such as her claims that the FBI was conducting a security review and not an investigation or that she never sent or received classified information on her email account….   Others were revealed last week by FBI director James Comey. He called Clinton’s use of a private server ‘extremely careless’ and said that it put sensitive U.S. secrets at risk….” (See “Here Are 35 Email Lies Hillary Is Still Telling On Her Campaign Website” by Chuck Ross, 7/11/16, The Daily Caller/ Politics []).

***/ (See “Factsheets -- Updated: The Facts About Hillary Clinton’s Emails 7/11/16, []; also on Twitter: The Briefing []) 


Here are the LIES, which are still on the HRC’s briefing website & twitter  all lined up in a row for you by the folks at “The Daily Caller”: 

Lie #1“We’ve put all the information about Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails here.”

Lie #2 – “Her usage was widely known to the over 100 State Department and U.S. government colleagues she emailed, consistent with the practice of prior Secretaries of State and permitted at the time.”

Lie #3 – “Was it allowed? Yes.”

Lie #4 – “Clinton only used her account for unclassified email.”

Lie #5 – “No information in Clinton’s emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them.”

Lie #6 – “Clinton hopes the State Department and the agencies involved in the review process will sort out as quickly as possible which of the 55,000 pages of emails are appropriate to share with the public.”

Lie #7 – “Classified information was viewed in hard copy while in the office.”

Lie #8 – “While on travel, the State Department had rigorous protocols for her and traveling staff to receive and transmit information of all types.”

Lie #9 – “A separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the purposes of handling classified communications, which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system.”

Lie #10 – “Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use? No.” 

Lie #11 – “This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press.”

Lie #12 – “Clinton hopes … that the release will be as timely and as transparent as possible.”

Lie #13 – “She also directed her team to give her server that hosted her email account while she was Secretary of State to the Department of Justice…”

Lie #14 – “Clinton has pledged to cooperate with the government’s security inquiry.”

Lie #15 – “Even if Clinton’s emails had been on a government address and government device, these questions would be raised prior to public release.”

Lie #16 – “It was her practice to email government employees on their ‘.gov’ email address. That way, work emails would be immediately captured and preserved in government record-keeping systems.”

Lie #17 – “Why didn’t Clinton provide her emails to the State Department until December 2014? The State Department asked for the help of the four previous former Secretaries in meeting the State Department’s obligations under the Federal Records Act.”

Lie #18 – “In providing these emails to the Department, Clinton included all that she had that were even remotely work-related.”

Lie #19 – “…erring on the side of over-inclusion.”

Lie #20 – “After providing her work and potentially work-related emails, she chose not to keep her personal, non-work-related emails, which by definition, are not federal records and were not requested by the Department or anyone else.”

Lie #21 – “As Clinton has said before, these were private, personal messages, including emails about her daughter’s wedding plans, her mother’s funeral services and condolence notes, as well as emails on family vacations, yoga routines, and other items one would typically find in their own email account.”

Lie #22 – “As noted, the emails that Clinton chose not to keep were personal emails — they were not federal records or even work-related.”

Lie #23 – “In March 2015, when Rep. Gowdy issued a subpoena to Clinton, the State Department had received all of Clinton’s work-related emails in response to their 2014 request.”

Lie #24 – “Were any work items deleted in the course of producing the printed copies? No.”

Lie #25 – “This entailed a multi-step process to review each email and provide printed copies of Clinton’s emails to the State Department, erring on the side of including anything that might be event potentially work-related.”

Lie #26 – “Did she withhold any work emails? She provided the State Department with all work and potentially work-related emails that she had, including all of her correspondence with Sid Blumenthal.”

Lie #27 – “She has also taken the unprecedented step of asking that those emails be made public.”

Lie #28 – “After her work-related emails were identified and preserved, Clinton chose not to keep her private, personal emails that were not federal records, including emails about her daughter’s wedding plans, her mother’s funeral service, family vacations, etc.” 

Lie #29 “The server for her email was physically located on her property, which was protected by U.S. Secret Service.”

Lie #30 – “The security and integrity of her family’s electronic communications was taken seriously from the onset when it was first set up for President Clinton’s team.”

Lie #31 – “Suffice it to say, robust protections were put in place and additional upgrades and techniques employed over time.”

Lie #32 – “Was the server ever hacked? No, there is no evidence there was ever a breach.”

Lie #33 – “Was there ever an unauthorized intrusion into her email or did anyone else have access to it? No.”

Lie #34 – “Was the State Department able to respond to requests related to FOIA or Congressional requests before they received copies of her work-related emails? Yes.”

Lie #35 – “The State Department was able to search and produce Clinton’s emails when needed long before, and unrelated to, receiving the printed copies as they were already captured on accounts.”  


For detailed rebuttals to all of the 35 “LIES” listed above, see “The Daily Caller” article by Chuck Ross, cited above….   However, don’t be surprised if you think that you even know stronger or better rebuttals to Hillary’s lies than those presented by Mr. Ross.


  1. you had me at lie #34


    I once knew an independent Democrat, who just kept running and losing, and running and losing....

    Once, somebody in the community fed this independent character some negative information about one of his incumbent opponents. When Mr. Independent Democrat brought up the embarrassing fact about the incumbent at a public gathering, one or two of the incumbent's supporters turned and shouted at the independent, "Why do you always lie?"

    That's the way some people deal with such things....

  3. It still has gone under the radar, but the State Department has resumed their investigation.

    You may be surprised

  4. some people say his name is mike pence but i still say it's really roger stone
