Friday, August 14, 2015

Jeb Bush gets rolled by “Black Lives Matter” Activists in Las Vegas, Nevada — Even though he had spoken to them before the event — And he answered one of their questions in the Q & A

“'Black Lives Matter' activists are starting to go after Republicans  —  and it isn't pretty”                     

                                                          —  Business Insider

Bush attempted a reasonable and conciliatory approach, but still got hustled out of the room by “Black Lives Matter” protesters and others

Maxwell Tani writing for the “Business Insider” reports that  “ ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists have begun to turn up the heat on Republican candidates....   At a campaign event in Nevada on Wednesday, protesters interrupted former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R). They chanted, ‘Black lives matter,’ as Bush made a quick exit from the stage....  The event marked the first time that Black Lives Matter protesters have targeted a major Republican presidential candidate's campaign event, after weeks trailing Democratic candidates — especially Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) on the trail....” (See “ ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists are starting to go after Republicans  —  and it isn't pretty” by Maxwell Tani, 8/13/15, Business Insider/ Politics []).

Mr. Tani’s report continued with this:  “....  Though Bush did not engage with the protesters, Bush's campaign told CNN he met with advocates before his event....”  Also . According to the Busines Insider, when protesters began chanting “Black Lives Mater, other event attendees began chanting, "White lives matter," in response. Protesters and attendees then reportedly gave each other respective middle fingers as Bush's event ended without a closing statement.


Over the past month, "Black Lives Matter" protesters had set their sights on liberal and left-leaning presidential candidates, hoping to expose racial biases even in the most progressive wing of the Democratic Party and to push candidates to address social-justice issues head on. The protesters targeted the Democrats specifically because some of them felt that their voices had been taken for granted by Democrats.  Las month a  prominent activist, Zellie Imani told Business Insider that for decades the Democratic Party had based its strategy on an assumption that it would get the “black vote” without any real accountability to the black voters. But, according to Imani, the young among them have found their voice, and they found that their voice is strong....

The Business Insider reported that candidates from both parties have attempted to diffuse tensions by meeting with protesters in private. In the past week, Republican Bush and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a Democrat,  have met with “Black Lives Matter” activists to talk about their concerns. However, thus far it seems unlikely that closed-door meetings will placate the entirety of the "Black Lives Matter" movement. Members of the movement, which is not hierarchical, have so far been fairly unimpressed by responses from any of the presidential candidates, Democrat or Republican.

Zellie Imani told the Business Insider,   "No candidate, Democratic or Republican, will campaign without having to publicly address their position sooner of later on their campaign trail.”


According to part of Scott Sonner’s AP report that appeared in "The Grio,"  Jeb Bush was not interrupted by “Black Lives Matter” protesters until late in the program when Bush was taking questions from and working the crowd; and after he had started to answer a question from somebody who was with "Black Lives Matter."   ( See “‘Black Lives Matter’Protesters Disrupt End of Jeb Bush’s Town Hall, by Scott Sonner with AP writer Kimberly Pierceall, 8/13/15, The Grio/ AP

Here’s how Scott Sonner and Kimberly Pierceall described the goings-on in Las Vegas:  “.... At Bush’s North Las Vegas appearance Wednesday night, the last question asked for his solutions to racial injustices as they relate to fatal police shootings of black men, police training and prison populations. ‘Look, we have serious problems,’ he said. ‘There is racism in America. No one should deny that, although there’s been significant progress.’...  Bush said he would encourage local leaders to be more engaged to prevent ‘despair and isolation’ in communities and that education is key....  ‘A child that is educated, that believes that their chances of going to college and living a life of purpose and meaning, is important,’ he said....”

Significantly, "The Grio" coverage ended with this observation: “Bush left the town hall as some in the crowd of about 150 people chanted ‘black lives matter.’ Several of those chanting also wore pink shirts that read “I stand with Planned Parenthood.”


  1. Interesting that both Jeb and Hill spoke separately to the BLM "activists," but Bush still got "protesters" and Clinton did not. Just sayin.....

  2. Why would anyone bother to heckle Bush? He is in 5th place.

  3. Trump is unstoppable. It is 1980 all over again.
