Saturday, June 6, 2015

What will become of the Brooklyn GOP if there’s no Marty Golden [to kick around] ?

Maybe, Marty G. will serve out his term as a NYS legislator in the age of Preet Bharara, maybe not  —   And maybe the silvery golden one will run for re-election to the State Senate in 2016, and maybe not

In any case, the Brooklyn GOP, especially in Southwest Brooklyn needs to think about life after Republican State Senator Martin J. Golden

The silver-haired and ruddy-faced Marty Golden is almost as old as I am  —  and that sure ain’t young....  How many of us can go around expecting to stay as hail ’n’ hardy as Mike Long for anywhere near as long?  (Soon even the Conservatives’ll  be calling him “Mike Too Long.”)

Eventually, if nothing else happens, the passing of the [old] guard becomes pretty much one thing....   I’m pretty sure State Senator Golden, who's just about 65 y/o/a doesn’t want to become the one state senator that needs to be wheeled >>>into<<<  the chamber, attached to some tubes going in and others going out; any more than, he wants to be one that gets wheeled >>>out-of<<<  it on a “Gurney.”  Also,  “As the days dwindle down to a precious few  —  September...  November...”  —  Marty has to ask himself what’s important and “...  what does it profit a man....”

But I haven’t come to bury Marty, much less to praise him.  At any rate, the Eatons and Quagliones, the Regina-Potters and the Russell Gallos, the David Storobins and the Andy Sullivans, and the Star-bellied Sneetches and the Plain-bellied ones, with none-upon thars, all have to think about life after Marty Golden as the one and only Brooklyn Republican elected to public office. It's something that he has been for a very long time (with one exception that barely lasted more than a couple of months, or was it only a few days).

Even though Marty Golden has been a State Senator for almost all of the years beginning with “2" after the third century  —   that can’t go on forever.  So, somebody needs a plan for what will happen next  —   especially in and for the Brooklyn GOP.


  1. We need a few brave men and women with ambition, who won't cave when some friendly local establishment type sits them down for "The Talk" -- you know, the old "Don't run or they'll ruin your life and you'll be a pariah."

  2. The Brooklyn Republican party needs somebody that knows what's wrong and who knows some way to fix it that includes cutting taxes. Then that guy needs to show he won't take no for an answer.

  3. The sad thing is if you add up the percentages of John Quaglione, Russell Gallo, and Andy Sullivan in their respective races you still can't get 100%. Quaglione 34%, Gallo 22%, Sullivan 39%! Once Marty leaves it's over for Republicans in Brooklyn end of story.

  4. Look at two of those numbers: Quaglione - 34% and Sullivan - 39% "Quags" supposedly ran in the better district, spent more money and had the 100% support of Marty, Craig and the so called district "leaders"; on the other hand, Hard-hat Andy Sullivan had "permission" to run in the district where he ran and not much else.

    At least one consultant (not the one from Queens that he had paid) told Sullivan his best shot was to stay in the Gentile District, beat Quaglione in a primary and run hard against Gentile in neighborhoods where he had more personal connections. When he got "the talk" from Kassar and Eaton, Sullivan switched districts to run for the "open" seat. Other than some signatures to get on the ballot, Sullivan was left to twist in the wind.

    The paper tiger in both the Quaglione and Sullivan races for CC in 2013 was the LaGuardia Club, which as usual sat on its hands once they had won their leadership primary against Cruella's crew, which had even less going for them than the old-style crouching paper tiger LaGuardia "bosses."

  5. you can always go back to Bob DiCarlo

  6. When the Seergy Club was strong and Dom Di Carlo, Angelo Arculeo, Chris Mega and Bob DiCarlo held office as Republicans and Fred Pantleone was the County Leader, the Brooklyn GOP was also strong.

    Everything began to come apart when the Conservative Party backed a supposed to be Democratic Party convert Arnaldo Ferraro for the Seergy Club Assembly seat. After that Ferraro backed Albanese, who was also backed by a Democrat named Marty Golden. When Bob DiCarlo became State Senator after Mega became a judge, the Conservative Party backed Joe Bova, from the Stars and Stripes Democratic Club.

  7. The Party's fall started when Dom DiCarlo resigned to take a federal job. The old 49th AD County Committee of the powerful Seergy Club voted to nominate a local business woman, Angela Canade, for the seat. The old guard stopped the County Committee meeting, dragged a few people into the backroom, and when they returned to their seats, they changed their votes, giving the nomination to DiCarlo's son, Robert ... who promptly lost the seat to Democrat Lou Freda.

    Arnaldo beat Freda two years later, but served only one term (except in his mind, where he will always be Assemblyman Ferraro).

  8. Robert DiCarlo started the downward spiral...there is no one left after Senator Golden no one. The bench is empty. Quaglione was the next hope but he crashed and burned and he was the best option in a group of people that otherwise would never be taken seriously if the party was not so weak.

  9. All of you have it wrong.
    The GOP fell to pieces when the Dems smartened up and began taking the Liberal party line, which had column D in the 70's & 80's.
    In 1982 Albanese & Montalto took the Liberal line and both defeated long term incumbents Arculeo & Mega. Plus in 1982 the old 50th AD, the Bay Ridge district was chopped up in reapportionment, a plan Senator Mega voted for.

    Yes Bob DiCarlo blew it, but he screwed up everything. He got kicked out of law school, ran a local restaurant into the ground, and dumped his rich wife to marry a girl he met working in a fast food joint in Albany.

    The Seergy club had Judges, 2 Assemblyman, a State Senator and City Councilman, and who can forget that Councilman at large, who should have stayed at large.

  10. You can't have a bench, a farm team, or any kind of successful organization when all major decisions are made without merit. One man's whim -- whether it is The Senator or The Chairman -- is too vague and subjective for any talented person to risk years of their lives working for an opening that may never be offered because of the shifting sands of personality.

  11. I dont see a bench, farm or team.

  12. 'Quaglione was the next hope' ARE YOU ON DRUGS? Have you ever met Golden's 'PR' guy?

    There were at least half a dozen people active in the Brookly YRs and the Brooklyn YR Club better suited to be candidates for City Council than John Quaglione was in 2013.

    Bob Capano ran a much stronger campaign in 2009; and he did it with next to no support from the La Guardia Club and very little help from State Senator Marty Golden.

  13. Bob Capano barely reached 40% against Gentile in a year with Bloomberg at the top of the ticket. The year before Capano ran against Alec Brook Krasny and barely reached the low thirties! Any young Republican besides Quaglione would have fared far worse against Gentile. Keep fantasizing about your so called young Republicans and conjuring more excuses for why they get trounced whenever and wherever they run.

  14. Umm, bloomberg lost Brooklyn in 2009, which hurt- not helped Brooklyn local candidates so don't know how accurate above comments are. So much for Craig Eaton leading the way for Bloomberg in Brooklyn!

    Previous comments here note the lack of a bench or farm team, that is the job of a county Republican leader, thanks Craig!

    The other job of a county leaders is to actually get republicans elected. Craig has got no one elected from brooklyn (sorry, he can't take credit for Marty golden)..

    Craig can't take credit for Malliotakis as district is 25% brooklyn.
    As for Grimm, first Craig supports Allegretti in primary then Grimm in general election and elections that follow and stands on stage with him and says how close he is with Grimm, then when Grimm goes down Eaton and his crew says he had nothing to do with him..sorry Craig, can't have it both ways...

    Any way you slice it, the poor state of the brooklyn GOP will be Craig's legacy..

  15. Ummm Bloomberg handily won the 43rd Councilmanic District area in 2009 while Capano was slaughtered by Gentile. Capano got crushed by Alec Brook Krasny for Assembly the year before. Otherwise commenter at 4:09 makes some fair points. Both Golden and Eaton backed Allegretti as did most of the GOP officials Staten Island but ALlegretti was a flawed candidate. Even Quaglione could have done better than Allegretti.
    I don't know who is to blame but is over for the Brooklyn GOP once Golden exits.



    Once that's done, several people will be singing, "... Ah, sweet mystery of life at last I've found you...."

  17. The Brooklyn GOP was alive, thriving and winning races. Anonymous at 409, did you forget the Storobin and Turner victories? Eaton and his team got both of them into the race, supported them, campaigned for them, and they both won.

  18. Dean Skelos and Marty Golden dealt away both the Turner and Storobin seats. The Storobin seat could have been made a lock for the GOP for 10 years, but Skelos and Golden wiped it out for a deal with Felder, Klein and Savino. Turner was too independent, and he dealt directly with City Hall, so none of the GOP insiders in Brooklyn, Queens, or Albany wanted to protect him.

  19. The more pressing question is what happens to the Brooklyn GOP when Craig and company depart?

    You may not like them but what is waiting in the wings?




    The GOP National Chairman Reince Priebus spoke on “The Laura Ingraham Show” Wednesday; and at that time, he said that the most pressing issue for the Republican Party if it can’t win back the White House in 2016 would be the “SURVIVAL” of the party ( See “Priebus: GOP Won’t ‘Exist As A National Party’ With 2016 White House Loss...” by Al Weaver, 6/10/15, Daily Caller [] [with audio link]).

    According to the Daily Caller report, “.... The chairman remarked that a third straight presidential loss would result in the party ceasing to exist ‘as a national party.’... ‘On a scale of 1-10, how do-or-die is 2016 presidential race?’ Ingraham asked Priebus.” And Priebus responded to Ingraham with this: “Ten. 10-11-12.... I mean, we don’t exist as a national party if we don’t win in 2016.... You can’t compete [if you’re] 16 years out of the White House, it’s just not possible.”

    Also very worthwhile would be a glance at the comments following Al Weaver’s Daily Caller article — both for the commenters’ perceptions of a problem for the national GOP; and in a few instances, for their mentions of possible solutions.

  21. if quaglione, and not capano ran against Book-krasny in 2008 Q would have won

  22. Anonymous at 209pm, I have a few questions for you:

    Why would anyone want to be a County Chairman, let alone a Chairman in Brooklyn?

    1) You have a RINO State Senator who lets his chief of staff think he is the GOP Head, make decisions for him - I guess because he is not bright enough to make decisions for himself;

    2) You have non republicans like Kassar and Davidzon (who is not even a registered voter) thinking that they can control the GOP;

    3) You get no support from the State Senator, even if he was a very close personal friend of yours like Eaton and Golden, and eventually he will stab you in the back - I even heard that their families vacationed together with their kids for years - what a damn shame;

    4) You are competing with your electeds to raise money and then those same electeds throw free events a week before you schedule you Lincoln Dinners and steal all your attendees;

    5) You work hard like Eaton did, hosting great Lincoln Dinners (with Honorees/Speakers like Michael Reagan, Ari Fliecher, Tom Ridge, Mayor Giuliani, Mayor Bloomberg, Gov Pataki, etc etc etc); raising money; holding monthly meetings for 8 years with over 75 people attending each month; getting people elected like Turner, Storobin, Maliotakis, etc etc; only to be disrespected, libeled and slandered by the likes of Golden, Kassar and their minions;

    6) You don't get paid and it actually costs you money.....

    Anyone that wants that job should have their head examined - throgoughly....

    There you go.......good luck.....

  23. Eaton & Co. have never helped elect any Republican in a General Election. Bob Turner credits Craig Eaton with helping him get elected but that was in a special election. Craig has done a decent job and several of the things written by the person at 4:50 are correct but that doesn't change the fact that no more BK Republicans after Marty.

  24. I agree 100% with Anonymous at 553, but that is because Marty destroyed all of the BK Republicans' momentum and successes because of his greed, ego and vileness. He set his goal to destroy the party for Mike L and Kassar's sake, and he did everything he could to make that happen. Shame on the old RINO.....he is a disgrace....
