Monday, May 4, 2015

Pam Geller’s Anti-Jihad event is attacked and defended — leaving two dead Jihadis on the ground

The sponsor of another great Ayn Rand inspired blog “Atlas Shrugged” has proof that she is a target of murderous Islamist terrorists

Local Islamic activist, Linda Sarsour, defends Geller’s right to be a “bigot” and hold her ‘bigoted” event in Texas

According to a CNN report, “... [w]en two men opened fire outside a contest for Prophet Mohammed cartoons in a Dallas suburb Sunday night, Pamela Geller was the first to call it an attack on free speech....  ‘Civilized men can disagree,’ Geller said Monday on CNN. ‘Savages will kill you when they disagree....’   Geller, a conservative blogger, is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which organized Sunday's event in Garland, Texas....”
(See “Texas shooting: Who is Pamela Geller?” by Ann Colwell, 5/4/15, CNN []).

In an interview with "New Day’s" Alisyn Camerota, and as quoted by CNN, Geller said this: “: "The jihad is raging....   "I am anti-jihad. I am anti-Sharia...."

A Dutch keynote speaker at the Texas event, Geert Wilders, told attendees Sunday in Garland. that  “...  Our Judeo-Christian culture is far superior to the Islamic one....   I can give you a million reasons. But here is an important one: We have humor and they don't. ... Islam does not allow free speech, because free speech shows how evil and wrong Islam is.  And Islam does not allow humor, because humor shows how foolish and ridiculous it is...."

After the shooting Geller said this: "The problem is that a group ... attempted to open fire on a gathering of free speech. ... No one is saying that there aren't peaceful Muslims, but there is a problem in Islam, as illustrated last night. And anyone that addresses it gets attacked in this same way...."

Interestingly, CNN also quoted a local Bay Ridge activist in its coverage of the shoot-out in Texas. Linda Sarsour, a New York City Muslim community leader who lives in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, strenuously disagrees with Geller but supports Geller’s freedom to host events like the one held in Garland, Texas this weekend.

According to CNN,  Sarsour told Dean Obeidallah for a column in the Daily Beast “[Pamela Geller can draw] '... any damn cartoon she wants and I defend her right to do so....  I have always fought for her right to be a bigot and I have the right to counter her bigotry with my own free speech.’..."

According to Ann Colwell's report for CNN, Pamela Geller is a frequent guest on TV and radio news and commentator programs. She is a veteran of the media and publishing industry, who got her start in publishing at The New York Daily News, and went on to become associate publisher of The New York Observer.  Geller, a frequent guest on TV and radio news and commentator programs, is a veteran of the media and publishing industry. She got her start in publishing at The New York Daily News, and went on to become associate publisher of The New York Observer.  According to a 2010 New York Times profile, Geller's catalyst to blogging came after 9/11. Her blog hits increased the more she tackled extreme Islam.  CNN’s post went onto say that Geller has fallen into line with  extreme right-wing groups.

CNN’s coverage of Geller ended with this: “... Geller played a key role in pushing the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" debate into the national lexicon. Her group planned rallies against a proposed mosque and community center -- with Geller at the helm.... Critics consistently slam her as anti-Muslim -- a claim she denies. The Anti-Defamation League, in a statement condemning Sunday's ‘attempted violent attack,’ described the event as being organized by ‘anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller.’ And the ADL said Wilders has ‘advanced a conspiratorial anti-Muslim agenda for many years.’..."

I take issue with one point  —  there was no “attempted violent attack” in Garland, Texas....    There was an actual violent attack on the Geller's  “free speech event” that was foiled by security and local law enforcement, with the violent killing of the two alleged perpetrators.

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