Saturday, March 21, 2015

Since Kassar Mentioned It — A Wee, But Obviously Necessary, Tutorial On Patriotism to Marty Golden’s Sadly Un-patriotic Chief of Staff

On my return from Edinburgh, Scotland, some reflections on the “reformations” of a “trans-formative” president; and of the toils, troubles, and plots afoot by a few “honorable men,” hoping to a achieve a glorious restoration

Jerry Kassar, State Senator Martin Golden’s Chief of Staff thinks that bashing 47 Republican Senators for trying to block Obama’s sell-out to Iran is almost as important as criticizing Hillary Clinton and her private E-mail scandal  —  It’s things like that, which lead real conservatives to see Kassar as a true Magnum-sized Scumbag  —  of course, there are many more

If nothing else, real patriots should take some joy in the humiliation of the “trans-formative” President Obama by the “Counter-trans-formative” 47 Senators who sent their open letter to the Iranian leadership    clearly, it was all a dicey proposition, but where's the harm ?

I have long questioned Jerry Kassar’s and several other of the so-called Conservative Party’s leaders’ conservatism; now, it is PATRIOTISM that is the focal issue  —  at least as far as concerns one, Gerard Kassar.  The catalyst for that inquiry is Jerry Kassar’s most recent “Common Sense” column for the Brooklyn Media Group (See “Deletegate – Common Sense” [in the on-line version: ‘Common Sense: Delegate’]  by Jerry Kassar, 3/18-3/25/15, Brooklyn Media Group / my print version being in the “FREE – Brooklyn Spectator News” []).

Here’s exactly what Kassar had to say, both in print and on-line:  “The 47 Republican US Senators were wrong to sign a letter to the Iranian government informing them that the Senate would likely oppose the nuclear arms agreement. The agreement should be opposed – it stinks and is another example of a president who has his priorities mixed up. But the letter should never have been sent. ***   International negotiations are to be managed by the president and the State Department. The Senate and Congress have an important role but at a different point in the process. If the 47 senators wanted to send a letter indicating their disapproval with the potential agreement, they should have sent it to President Obama....”

I’m not sure whether Kassar was wearing his Constitutional Law expert hat; his U.S. Foreign Policy expert hat; his making decisions based on long-time expertise gained from being a well-paid side-liner for his whole adult life (sometimes referred to affectionately as being a political and/or staff hack) hat; or whether it was just his doing what his boss State Senator Marty Golden tells him to do hat (which sometimes is, and sometimes is not, the same as the prior category). However, ripping and giving advice to the bulk of Republicans elected to the U.S. Senate, and the overwhelming part of the majority caucus in the upper chamber, does seem quite notable.  Equally notable, is that with his anti-GOP senators tongue-lashing, Kassar is completely on the same page, both literally and figuratively, as his liberal Democratic colleague in columns, Brian Kieran (See “Use the Facts, Not the Spin” by Brian Kieran, 3/18-3/25/15, Brooklyn Media Group / as above, my print version being in the “FREE – Brooklyn Spectator News” [link not found]). Although Mr. Kieran’s column devoted more than twice the space to this issue, both Kieran and Kassar did appear to be in substantial and basic agreement about the letter addressed to Iran by the 47 Republican senators.

Unfortunately, both men failed to perceive the real threat to this republic. It is not whether the treaty negotiations with Iran result in any treaty that allows or facilitates Iran’s achievement of some primitive nuclear weapons capacity; nor is it about the technical roles constitutionally and/or traditionally exercised by the President as opposed to the Senate. In short, foreign policy and who formally initiates foreign policy is not the central concern here. The issue is that the Obama regime’s immediate foray into these talks is but one more example of its “trans-formative presidency”  —  this time to achieve some agreement by means of secret treaty negotiations with Iran concerning its nuclear weapons capabilities.

In these negotiations, the existential threat to America is not from Iran, but from the actions of a rogue Obama regime bent on the goal of achieving some form of a “trans-formative presidency.”  When faced with such an existential threat, true patriots must rise up and counter the threat. In this instance, any acts in the furtherance of a rogue and so-called “trans-formative presidency,” of necessity needed to be countered by a dutiful and patriotic group of senators loyal to their Republic, and acting as a “Counter-trans-formative opposition,” patently disloyal to the rogue president, but true to their oaths to this Republic.

That these wonderful, dare I say “honourable,” men announced their intentions with such bravado so near to the Ides of March; I was left feeling disappointed that so little of actual moment occurred at the Capitol on that historic and literary memorial for the year 2015. Then again, there was no executive visit to the chamber or any of its precincts, hence no opportunity for a dramatic confrontation.

Of course, the letter by 47 Senators humiliated the President of the United States  —  for that they need the applause of their fellow patriots; if nothing else, to drown-out the scorn and criticism of cynical partisans like Kassar.  However, since the “Great Obama” appears incapable of any sort of humility, there is probably little to be gained by the mere humiliation of this oh-so-imperial president,  Obama, except possibly, for the sheer joy of it.


  1. Did you ferry over to Belfast from Edinburgh to see first hand Hillary Clinton's work on bringing peace and economic progress to the women in the North? Hillary has famously said that it is the discussions at kitchen tables among women that eventually change the world and she proved this in Belfast. I hope you got to go over, Gale. I think Ryan Air has a cheap round trip too. One day there will be a bronze statue of Hillary in Ireland just like that of Robert Emmett, and Pierce and Connolly. And a poem probably written in her honor like Yeats' Easter 1916. Niall O'Dowd (of Irish Echo fame and now the richest Irishman in New York) said Hillary is a rock star in Belfast.

  2. I fear that you're afraid that Kassar will be Chief of Staff to the next Mayor of New York City Martin Golden. Golden has a wealth of experience, he can win Southern Brooklyn by 90% of the vote and more, and can win Staten Island. He can appeal to working class voters all over NYC. Get ready for Mayor Marty Golden in 2017.

    Golden for NYC Mayor 2017.



    Ferry from Edinburgh to Belfast, hmmm ? What a concept ! Sounds like a beautiful cruise on the North Sea in winter....



  5. There's a number of Republicans that should run against De Blasio in 2017:
    -Martin Golden-New York State Senator (R-Brooklyn)
    -James Oddo, Staten Island borough president
    -Vincent Ignizio, Staten Island councilman and NYC City Council minority leader

    Any one of these men can defeat De Blasio in 2017. Marty Golden can but he needs to raise a lot of $$$.

  6. It would never happen. None of the above named would get the Black and progressive vote. Without that voting bloc no one can win in New York City. Golden could very well be a convicted felon by 2017. Remember, he is under criminal investigation by the feds. Ignazio has ties to the Hynes corruption and his name has surfaced in its probe and that would come out if he ran for mayor. It is to his benefit to remain quiet and just do whatever it is he does. DiBlasio will be a two term mayor at the very least.

    Also, Hillary should be announcing in mid-April. Probably somewhere historic like Seneca Falls. Get on board.

  7. David Dinkins, Ruth Messenger, Mark Green, Fernando Ferrer and Bill Thompson all won the black and progressive vote for mayor in New York City, but none of them were two-term mayors....

  8. If Golden is ever found of anything after the investigation, who wins his seat in the 22nd Senatorial District? I think John Qualigione should run for the seat, and he should be the senator from the 22nd Senatorial District for a long time. It's a conservative district.

  9. Is the person who made the comment above a habitual heroin user?

  10. Al Gore will be the next President.

    You heard it here first.

  11. DA Lanza would be a contender for Mayor.

  12. Craig Eaton for 22nd Senate if not for mayor! !!

  13. His ego couldn't get him elected to dog catcher.

  14. Who looks better in a dress? Vinny Gentile or Dan Donovan? Their dresses may not be cut from the same cloth, but they are.
