Sunday, January 25, 2015

Nicole Malliotakis — A girl on the move ? — Some think so

Kip of the "Bay Ridge Journal" jumps all over story about Nicole's move that broke in "Capital New York"

Staten Island GOP Chairman says he has “...No Problem...” with Malliotakis’ change of address into the Lanza State Senate district  —  but Antoniello won’t move to bridge any divisions in the Staten Island GOP vis a vis Nicole yet

“Kip” in the Bay Ridge Journal put it this way: “...  State Assembly Member Nicole Malliotakis (R-64th AD) has changed her voting address from Rosebank to the western end of Bay Terrace. ***   The move keeps her in the same Assembly district, but moves her from State Senator Diane Savino's district into State Senator Andrew Lanza's.” (See “Malliotakis Queing up Her Next Run?” by Kip, 1/24/15, Bay Ridge Journal []). You can’t get more pithy than that.


When Staten Island Republican Party chairman John Antoniello said  “We’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it....” —   was he taking a shot at Brooklyn and that Nicole M represented a part of that borough ?  Possibly so, because any taint of “Brooklyn stink” can be deadly in races involving Staten Island.

When you put it all in a little context it makes somewhat more sense. According to the report in Capital New York,  “Staten Island Republican Party chairman John Antoniello said it was Malliotakis’ choice to make the move. ***   ‘I have no problem with it,’ he said. ***  Asked if he would support Malliotakis if Lanza's Senate seat were to come open, Antoniello said, ‘We’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.’...”  (See “Malliotakis moves Senate districts
Tweet” by Colby Hamilton, 1/23/15, Capital New York []).  Needless to say, all of that is code; and Alan Turing with his zip-zam-zowy decoding machine couldn’t decode it unless he knew the nuances of Staten Island Republican politics in advance ( In the movie, “Imitation Game,” the Bletchley Parkers [a variation of Nosey Parkers] needed to know the actual letters in certain repeated phrases in all the German messages to break the Enigma-coded messages, even with Turing’s machine).

So here’s how “Kip” sees it : “...  Coming just after Richmond County District Attorney Dan Donovan beat her out as the county GOP committee nominee in the upcoming special election to replace former Congressional Representative Michael Grimm, Malliotakis' move is seen as a succession bid. ***   If Donovan gets elected to Congress and State Senator Andrew Lanza, regarded as the leading Republican contender for Donovan's seat, succeeds him as district attorney, Lanza's seat in the State Senate will be open.”

Then again, what does “Kip” know ?  She’s from Brooklyn and she’s a Democrat.  But while she was at it, why didn’t she opine what it all meant for the corner of Bay Ridge represented by our girl,  Nicole.


  1. Assemblywoman Malliotakis is not a "girl". She is a woman.

  2. Hey, Gail, the Colby Hamilton article that you talked about in this post began with this paragraph, "Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis has changed her voter registration address, according to documents provided by the Board of Elections."

    Based on your friend, John Kennedy O'Hara's case, that is probable cause to arrest Malliotakis and charge her with a D-class felony, isn't it?

    Just askin'...

  3. Under the election law, a person's residence for purposes of voting must be "his or her fixed, permanent and principal home and where that person customarily expects to return each day." (See, O'Hara 440 motion to overturn wrongful conviction based on selective prosecution by Charles J. Hynes.) A better analogy to your inquiry would be to look at the situation of former District Attorney Hynes himself. Hynes, for example, regularly registered to vote out of his office at 350 Jay Street. This is the D.A.'s office. His place of residence to which he returned each evening was/is in Breezy Point Queens. He registered to vote in Brooklyn so as to conceal the violation of the residency requirement for sitting D.A.'s. A second example for you would be that of former Deputy District Attorney and top Hynes' lieutenant Dino Amoroso. He registered to vote from his parents' home in Queens while his permanent place of residence to which he returned each evening was/is in Nassau County. Again, this was done to avoid the residency requirements. You can look further - for examples - to Chief Assistant District Attorney Amy Feinstein under Hynes, Executive Assistant District Attorney John O'Mara under Hynes and at least four others who regularly violated the law as to residency requirement and in addition submitted false instruments for filing (that is a penal code crime but I forget the number). Under the law, Hynes and Amoroso both committed class D felonies. Lucky for them they were not prosecuted . . . wonder why.

    btw, as women get older we don't mind being called girls . .


    Was there a segue to the "btw" in the comment above that I missed ?

    But, seeing as it was a "btw" remark, maybe you don't need one.

  5. Since so many people on this blog like talking about Hynes and O'Hara, there's an article the New York Post today that shows Hynes and his people are still laughing in January 2015 about what they did to O'Hara back in the 1990s.

  6. Can we really be sure what Malliotakis is?

  7. I wonder who would win a spelling bee with Malliotakis v Recchia ?

    Get my drift ? ? ?

  8. ohara was not convicted of a class D felony but it was a class E felony.

    I just wanted to be clear about his diplomatic staus.

  9. It should also be noted that the only other person in the history of New York State to be tried as O'Hara was tried is Susan B. Anthony whose portrait adorns the one dollar coin and who has a museum in upstate New York dedicated to her. No one else before or after O'Hara has ever been brought up on charges for voting from another residence.
    It should also be noted - for purposes of putting this miscarriage of justice into perspective - that former District Attorney Hynes assigned his best homicide prosecutor at the time ADA John O'Mara to try the O'Hara case. ADA O'Mara at the time was renowned in homicide for having never lost a case. It however took him three times - O'Hara was tried by Hynes three times - to win a conviction in O'Hara's case.
    And to give the term "chutzpah" new meaning, ADA O'Mara while at the very times he was prosecuting O'Hara in the Brooklyn court rooms was himself flagrantly violating the mandated residency requirements for high level ADAs. He lived/lives in New Jersey and was required to live in one of the five boroughs of NY or at least NYS.


    Certain BSIs have done long and good service on many interesting stories, especially inside talk about/from Democrats in Bay Ridge and other parts of Brooklyn.

    Even though this blog has generally been hospitable to discussions of the Hynes-O'Hara issue and other stories about/ from/ in the DA's office, I have repeatedly said I don't want those kinds of stories to degenerate into an "All-Hynes-all-of-the-time" tirade.

    We don't want the other folks out there to think we have some kind of OCD, do we ?

    Please take note !

  11. Gotcha.

    But Kip at the Bay Ridge Journal covered it extensively - photos too. Didn't want Gale's readers to be out of the loop.

  12. Not so fast Mr Blog Administrator.
    1- Hynes race for DA was the last and only hurrah that the GOP has had countywide.
    2- Than Hynes and a bunch of Bay Ridge Politicos wind up on the cover of the New York Times getting caught with hands in the cookie jar.
    3- Than Marty "I'll be sharing a cell with Silver" Golden becomes the Hynes spokesperson.

    No Gale, this will not be swept under the rug.

  13. Yes, I agree with the commenter above. And no whitewashing of this either Gale. Your readers want answers. We want the dots of corruption connected.
