Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Seen and heard at the Brooklyn GOP Holiday Party — A verbal collage

The two main buzzes in the room seemed to depress the festivities a little  — the killings of the two police officers in Brooklyn over the weekend — and the probable guilty plea by Michael Grimm (at the time of the party, an announcement was expected in the case at about 1:00 PM on 12/23/14)

Gallo and Hayon had a very spirited tete a tete  —  others nearby appeared not very interested in being any part of it

Craig Eaton was all over the place meeting and greeting, as well as acting as a facilitator for at least one very important conversation for the Brooklyn Republican Organization going forward. (Since that whole process is a little new for one side in the talks, the finality of the plan remains a little ways off —  maybe, by or a little after the New Year.  As a result, Mr. Eaton didn’t make any announcements about the Brooklyn GOP).  There were no speeches or public introductions of any kind  — even though there were many old and new Republican luminaries in the house [The Pearl Restaurant, 3rd Avenue & 82nd Street, Bay Ridge]).

NYS Republican Chairman Ed Cox arrived for the last hour of the Brooklyn GOP Festivus, Saturnalia, Channukah, Christmas and New Years celebrations. He was accosted at the door by a pair of local activists who were insistent that Cox, as NY State Chairman, had to publically call on Grimm to resign if he pleaded guilty to any of the Federal charges against him. At first, Cox assured everybody that would happen; however, when details of yesterday’s reports were recited to him, Cox retreated to a “Let’s wait and see...” posture on the whole question.

Russell was there with HIS crew (he more than once made a point about the real “loyalty” of his YRs)....    Gallo had several important conversations including one with Joseph Hayon (and several about him, including one with the Frankie Russo of Brooklyn Tea Party and ABC Radio fame that really didn’t go so well).  Diana Sepulveda was also mostly around Gallo, but she did affably work the room several times for her own purposes.

Gerry O'Brien and Anita were quite into the social part of the evening chatting-up many of their colleagues and friends, and giving them and everybody else the best of seasons wishes.

Lucretia was there and couldn’t be nicer....   Anthony Testaverde was there, along with many other district leaders.... including the Greenpoint-Williamsburg leader Bill Davidson.... And Steve Maresca also was there to give his best Holiday wishes to new and long-time acquaintances.

Most of those at the festivities were there to meet those near and dear, and were quite pleasant to others not so near or dear. Others did little more than helicopter the food table to vacuum the modest cocktail buffet, almost instantly as it was restocked.

John Catsimatidis, Junior not Senior, was there in the company of Rob Ryan....  And  Joe Lohta arrived later and had some face time with the Chairman.

John Burnett, former GOP candidate for NYC Controller, was all over the room introducing himself to various levels of GOP activists.

Former NY Jet, and GOP congressional candidate,  Michael Faulkner also came by for a hello, accompanied by Jay Golub. The well-credentialed religious and community activist did a little talking one-on-one about the next NYC mayoral contest....

... And Nicole Malliotakis was there  —  only as a friend, Republican and  Member of the Assembly...  She seemed to be intentionally tight-lipped about what might be happening with Congressman Grimm.

The things broke up very slowly; and the evening ended inconclusively as several of the revelers remained long after the announced 9:00 PM end of the party.


  1. Sounds like a funeral

  2. Congressman Golden.

    Get used to it.


    Were the the two comments above supposed to read as a unit ?

    If so, they are not properly sequenced.

  4. Gale,

    Your new reCAPTCHA box below this comment box is absolutely discriminatory!

    In order to leave a comment, everyone, including robots, have to declare that THEY ARE NOT ROBOTS!

    Imagine how you would feel if you had to declare that you were not Irish in order to post a comment!

    R. Daneel Olivaw

  5. Gale's not Irish! Massey is a French name. Although this isn't to say that the Massey's at one time did not try to be Irish. In the 11th century, the Massey tribe tried to sneak into Ireland but they were pummeled and wiped out by the great de Burgh clan. The de Burgh's went on to rule the entire west coast of Erin for centuries but not before sending the Massey's (what was left of them) packing into Scotland. A few Massey's came over in steerage to here but were chalk marked and summarily returned. They now are tinkers who live with the wee people. No, Gale, is not Irish. There's not one drop of sacred Irish blood in him. But he might be a robot - like you.
