Friday, November 7, 2014

Finally, finally... F-I-N-A-L-L-Y ! ! ! Some recognition from a Saint Saviour’s girl — In this case, I think it's from "Christine Sisto"

After having two sisters and two daughters go to that school, and even helping to chaperone a dance there a mere forty-four years ago —  at long last, if not respect, at least some recognition even if it’s months late

TODAY  —   Christine Sisto finally responded to my June 30th post “The Curious case of Christine Sisto” and my July 3rd comment about her “... boyfriend” 

National Review’s Brooklyn (and Staten Island) beat writer Christine Sisto goes waaaay out of her way to try to "correct the record" on a few things

Hmmm! Let me start by sayin’ how than’ful I am to get this level of recognition from anybody  ’at went to Saint Saviours H.S.   I got lots a ole contacts down ‘ere in ’at ole Park Slope Catholic girls high school, I think I even got one there now.   —    I been letchin’ an’ waitin’ after girls from down there fer years, an’ you don’t gotta like Billy Joel to know what I’m talkin’ about (btw, NOT my sisters ’n’daughters,  o’ course, I’m no Hillbilly ferm Pennsyltucky, Arkauisiana or East-West Tenneginia, you know).  But, enough a dat stuff, hmmm.

So I guess you get it,  any sort of recognition, even if it’s a little snarky and belated is still very much appreciated by an old coot (or is it loon) like me. That’s why when I saw that good old CS responded to my stuff  —  well, it was almost crescendo obligato, if you know what I mean.

I know, I know, “Galewyn, cut to the chase...”

Earlier today, Christine Sisto ( I hope it’s not some cheap knockoff internet impersonator...) did a responding comment about MY July 3rd comment about HER “boyfriend.” After reprinting virtually the whole comment, CS wrote this:
“...What the hell is this rant even about? I have no idea what Young Frankenstein thing you're even talking about as I never did theater ever and I'm pretty sure SSHS never did Young Frankenstein, unless there's someone else that goes there/went there with the same name as me. And the boyfriend mentioned in both articles is the same person. And as to your accusation that I'm pushing some agenda by this article, my editor told me to write this particular piece, so you can put your mind at ease. ***  This is what I get for googling myself.”

I know, it really isn’t the highest praise; I get that. However, it is thoughtful, and I think it shows a little bit of passion. Maybe, it’s not the passion that “boyfriend,” William, Will, Liam gets, but it’s not nothing either. Also, everybody needs to note that this is less than three days after that big Tuesday night extravaganza where all the Grimm-sters breathed their collective sigh of relief, for now. So it looks to me that my blog is just a little less important to Christine Sisto than the re-election of her boyfriend's boss, Michael Grimm and the rest of the 2014 Mid-term elections, where Republicans won across the nation. Hey, I'll take that...

Just for Christine S.

There’s just two more things  —  just for CS: First, don’t feel bad about googling yourself, most people do it because it’s pleasurable or just to relief the tension of the day. It doesn’t mean you are a bad person; and as Lena Dunham might say, “Don’t feel guilty about that, even if you do it seven times in a row.”  Second, even if you might have written the line for him to use on television, I don’t want Grimm or any of his guys coming over here and threatening to “...Break [me] in half like a boy...” just because you or he or anybody else didn’t like this post.


  1. No. it's loon. And you, with this post, give new meaning to the word annoying. It is only out of respect for Catholic Girls' High Schools in Brooklyn in general that I refrain from eviscerating the nonsense that is your above post.

    Oh, and Saviour girls still to this day prefer the bad boys of Bishop Ford over Xaverian nerds any day of the week.

    Did I mention you are annoying?



    ... and I didn't even mention Russ Gallo or Gene Berardelli holding me up on the four-tier pyramid...

  3. Those two are busy honking the horn in your clown car. The one you said you drive sometimes.

  4. Gale doesn't drive...

    And Gene better be the base of that four-tier pyramid...

  5. Christine knows how to write, and you dont.

  6. Republican Independent Fountainhead men act so childish sometimes.
