Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Salvatore Perrone Case — Another hangover from the days of D.A. Charles “Joe” Hynes

Perrone’s case is scheduled before Acting Justice Marrus – Again – Just like a dozen times before – With no end in sight -- Months go by and nothing seems to happen on this murder case in Brooklyn Supreme Court 

In the past, the Court has remarked on the bad job Mr. Perrone is doing representing himself  —   Maybe, the Court should ponder what kind of job it is doing representing itself or the public administration of justice in Mr. Perrone's case ?

Salvatore Perrone, called “Duffle Bag Joe” by the tabloids and “Son of Sal” by his Staten Island neighbors, is scheduled to appear yet again on multiple murder charges in front of Judge Alan Marrus, Acting Supreme Court Justice, on Monday, October 6, 2014. He was arrested and charged with the murders of three Brooklyn shopkeepers back in November 2012.

For those keeping count, that’s the better part of two years, and more than two years since the first crimes were committed in the summer of 2012. In that time, there has been a change of DAs in Brooklyn, with Kenneth Thompson replacing  Charles "Joe" Hynes.

Well, elections come and elections go, I suppose. The case for which Salvatore Perrone is being brought to court now in 2014 was big news back when State Senator Marty Golden was running for re-election against Democrat Steve Gounardes.  Back then in the summer of 2012, State Senator Golden was doing a lot of talking about victims and victims’ families (the first victim being a Fifth Avenue merchant in Bay Ridge), as well as pressing the authorities for action and more police protection along the shopping avenues. Now, Golden is running for re-election again, this time against Democrat Jamie Kemmerer, there has been no resolution of the murder case that had Golden so upset in 2012; and the very same State Senator Martin Golden seems to have lost interest and forgotten about the Perrone murder case, just like everybody else. You see, there just aren’t any two year news cycles; and if things take too long everything sort of ......fades out....

Last April, I wrote a post about the long delays in Salvatore Perrone’s case ( See my  4/20/14 post, “The sidetrack railroading of Salvatore Perrone by the so-called criminal justice system continues unabated --- This time with some help from the Daily News and the NY Post” below on this blog). Sad to say, very little appears to have changed from what I wrote back then.

I can only report that Judge Marrus will have another chance to make jokes at the expense of the defendant, Sal Perrone, this coming Monday.


  1. Send in the clowns should be playing when Marrus the hack enters the courtroom

  2. The second paragraph in bold face type has a question mark at the end, but it isn't a question. You should go back to the nuns and ask them if that is a proper use of punctuation.


    It appears that an attorney, Howard Kirsh, has been “assigned to advise" Salvatore Perrone. That means, among other legal matters, assisting in obtaining discovery material . However, Mr. Perrone remains “self represented” and Mr. Kirsh’s name does not appear as counsel on the Courts’ publicly available data base.

    A year ago there were still several problems getting Perrone all the material and other information that were necessary for his defense; and Judge Marrus had indicated his opinion that the case would not be ready for trial until the end of the year 2013 (See ““Son of Sal is full of subpoenas” by Denise Romano, 9/30/13, Brooklyn Spectator

    It remains to be seen whether the case will be ready for trial by the end of 2014.

  4. ***Public Service Announcement***
    On behalf of your Republican State Senator Marty Golden:

    During the month of October Marty "Joe Hynes is an honest player" Golden will be providing document shredding services to all his constituents. Please look for the Golden/Hynes Shredding Truck parked throughout various locations of our beloved Bay Ridge. The Charles J. Hynes elite Executive ADA evidence shredding team will be on hand to personally assist in destroying all documents you bring paying close attention to an documents that might incriminate you or exculpate an innocent other. This is a special perk offered only to Republican Bay Ridge residents*. The elite Hynes/Golden Shredding Team is the most efficient in our county - just ask Jabbar Collins.

    (Recently retired Judge Barry Kamins approves this message.)

    *Larry Morrish, Jack Malone and the account executives at the Bay Ridge Manor: Your documents will be picked up personally at your homes - no need to scout out the truck.

    Resume your conversation . . .

  5. Now that comment above is funny

  6. Ever the clever BSI I am. Right?
