Monday, September 22, 2014

Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s very close advisor, was literally back in the News this past weekend

The Daily News reports that  “Huma [Abedin] has been an important part of  [former Secretary of State Hillary] Clinton’s work for the past 18 years...  and no matter what the future holds, Huma will remain so.”

Recent feature in the New York Daily News focused on Abedin’s fallout from husband Anthony Weiner’s selfies, but not on her Islamist connections

The Benghazi Committee needs to take a close look into the Hillary Clinton-Huma Abedin Connection vis a vis the Benghazi fiasco

According to last Saturday’s New York Daily News, “When Anthony Weiner’s mayoral campaign imploded last year amid new sexting revelations, the fallout buffeted his wife, longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. ***   Clinton’s inner circle was furious with Weiner, and Abedin’s role with Hillary was said to be in doubt.  ***   “Huma has a choice to make,” New York magazine quoted a “close associate” of Abedin’s as saying. “Does she go with Anthony, or does she go with Hillary?”  ***   The magazine described Abedin as “traumatized” by the prospect of leaving the inner sanctum. ***   One year later, Abedin’s marriage to Weiner appears intact, and her role in Hillary’s camp is secure. As Clinton’s personal chief of staff, Abedin was constantly at her boss’ side as Clinton toured the country promoting her memoir, “Hard Choices,” over the summer. And there she was again last weekend, standing just behind Clinton as the former First Lady worked the rope line at an Iowa steak fry, a visit widely seen as the first concrete public step by Clinton toward an expected 2016 presidential campaign....” (See ““Huma Abedin remains at Hillary Clinton’s side despite sexting woes with husband Anthony Weiner” by Annie Karni, 9/20/14, NY Daily News []).

Importantly, the News article concludes with this: “For now, Clinton phones informal advisers to help make crucial political decisions. “There’s not one, two or three people that are constantly being consulted by her and giving her advice,” the Clinton source said. ***   Among those ensconced with Clinton are her longtime spokesman Philippe Reines — and Abedin. ***  
“Huma has been an important part of Secretary Clinton’s work for the past 18 years,” Hillary Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said, “and no matter what the future holds, Huma will remain so.”

It really does seem that for quite some time Hillary Clinton has been to some greater extent than lesser, inexplicably dependent on Huma Abedin. Unfortunately for its readers, the Daily News failed to mention one word about the biggest liability of Hillary Clinton’s unexplained dependence on Huma Abedin.  Abedin’s history of connections to Islamic extremists.

Even though this was written over year ago it is still quite relevant and on point.  In July 2013,  former U.S. Attorney and Fox News national security contributor Andrew McCarthy wrote this about Huma Abedin  in the National Review: “...[I]t is amazing, as we speculate about Ms. Abedin’s political future, that the elephant in the room goes unnoticed, or at least studiously unmentioned.... [... T]o  recap, Ms. Abedin worked for many years at a journal that promotes Islamic-supremacist ideology that was founded by a top al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef ran the Rabita Trust, a formally designated foreign terrorist organization under American law. Ms. Abedin and Naseef overlapped at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA) for at least seven years. Throughout that time (1996–2003), Ms. Abdein worked for Hillary Clinton in various capacities....  Ms. Abedin served as one of Secretary of State Clinton’s top staffers and advisers at the State Department. ...during that time, the State Department strongly supported abandoning the federal government’s prior policy against official dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood. State, furthermore, embraced a number of Muslim Brotherhood positions that undermine both American constitutional rights and our alliance with Israel....” (See “The Huma Unmentionables” by Andrew C. McCarthy, 7/24/13,   National Review/ The Corner []).  McCarthy’s concluding observation is succinct and presciently anticipated last Saturday’s Daily News article:   “What a racket. The marriage to Huma Abedin, a Clinton insider, enable[d] Anthony Weiner to resurrect a debased career and deflect attention from his psychotic antics even as he continue[d] them. The marriage to Anthony Weiner, a prominent Jewish progressive, enable[d] Huma Abedin to deflect attention from her associations with various Islamic supremacists even as, during her tenure as a top State Department official, American policy embrace[d] Islamic supremacists. ***   But let’s not discuss that.”


One national security expert has asked, “What was Huma Abedin’s advice when her boss responded to the proverbial ‘3 o’clock call’ on the evening of September 11, 2012 ?”  (See “The Women of Benghazigate” by Frank Gaffney, 5/13/14, Center for Security Policy/ OpEds/  | Counterterrorism, The Arab Spring []). Gaffney added this insight, “It strains credulity that Ms. Abedin would not be involved in this crisis, given the important role she has played in Mrs. Clinton’s world for over twelve years (Note: even if figured at the time of Benghazi, does not jibe with News' '18 years' estimate of the length of the Clinton-Abedin relationship).”

It is very interesting that Huma Abedin might not “formally” have been part Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staff at the time of the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12   —   oddly, Abedin’s problematic step down from her State Department post to take on a consulting job with a Clinton -funded foundation was not disclosed until AFTER the whole Benghazi blow-up ( See “Did Huma Abedin Quietly  Step Down as Deputy Chief of Staff in Same Month Bachmann Letter Sent to IG ?” by Shoebat Foundation, 5/17/13, []).

In any case,  Trey Gowdy’s Select Committee on Benghazi needs to investigate what part, if any,  Huma Abedin might have had in the evolution of  Hillary Clinton's shifting Benghazi scenario(s), before, during and after the events of September 11, 2012.  According to a recent article,  “With Hillary having escaped meaningful examination by Congress regarding her 5-year long string of policy failures, especially the precise role she played relating to Benghazi while still at the State Department, we trust that Trey Gowdy's Select Committee won't be as abstemious regarding Hillary's delicate sensibilities as have previous investigations in both the House and Senate. ***  As a necessary component in holding Mrs. Clinton accountable, the actions and guidance provided her by long time de-facto Chief of Staff Huma Abedin simply can't be avoided. This woman, to our knowledge has never really been vetted with any degree of vigor[,] a very odd thing considering her extraordinarily close relationship with the woman who now is seeking the presidency and Ms. Abedin's many troubling associations....” (See “The Huma Abedin Question Must Be Revisited As Part Of Benghazi Investigation” by Pipe Line News Staff, 5/14/14,


  1. Back in the 50's John Courtney Murray called anti-Catholicism the "last acceptable prejudice in America." Clearly that bias has been replaced with anti-Islamic prejudice. Fifty years from now we will look back in shame on how we treated our sisters and brothers of the Muslim faith.

  2. Stay on tast Gayle.Huma is clean.

    Golden posted a new letter with the address is blacked out. Why would it be blacked out?

  3. Lets not forget that when Huma & Anthony sold the Queens condo they moved into a Park Avenue multimillion dollar condo given to them by a "Clinton Donor".

    That happens a lot.

  4. Huma has something on Hillary, and probably she has had it for a very long time...



    According to a report in today’s Business Insider, “The annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, an initiative of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation dedicated to addressing "global challenges," is taking place in New York this week. The Republican National Committee marked the occasion by dumping a huge opposition research file on Clinton to reporters (“The Republican Party Just Dumped A Whole Bunch Of Its Dirt On Hillary Clinton” by Hunter Walker, 9/22/14, Business Insider []).

    Among many other things, the GOP info-drop featured the following material on guess who:

    “...Huma Abedin-‘The Biggest Question Among Hillary’s Circle Concerns Huma Abedin,’ Longtime Aide And Current Chief Of Clinton’s “Transition Office.” .... (citation) - While Working In Clinton’s State Department, Abedin Was Granted Status As A “Special Government Employee” In June 2012 – An Arrangement That Allowed Her To Also Consult For Corporate Clients And The Clintons. “Ms. Abedin, 37, a confidante of Mrs. Clinton’s, was made a ‘special government employee’ in June 2012. That allowed her to continue her employment at State but also work for Teneo, a consulting firm, founded in part by a former aide to President Bill Clinton, that has a number of corporate clients, including Coca-Cola. In addition, Ms. Abedin worked privately for the Clinton Foundation and for Mrs. Clinton personally.' (citation)- Abedin’s Special Status Allowed Her To Serve As A Paid Consultant For The State Department, Clinton Foundation, And Doug Band’s Teneo Holdings. 'The reclassification, meanwhile, allowed Abedin to bypass conflict-of-interest restrictions for federal employees – restrictions that are in place to ensure that government workers do not bring an outside financial stake to bear in their federal dealings. With the bypass, she could work as a consultant, even while still being paid by the State Department. Abedin took on three consulting roles. The Clinton Foundation hired her as a paid consultant, as did Teneo Holdings, a New York-based strategic planning and financial services firm that was cofounded by Doug Band, former chief adviser to former President Clinton. Abedin also became a paid personal assistant to Mrs. Clinton (in addition to being Clinton’s government-paid senior adviser).' (citation)- ‘There Is A Very High Potential For Actual Conflicts Of Interest In This Case, And There Is Certainly Every Appearance Of Conflicts Of Interest,’ (citation)- ... ‘It’s business as usual,’ says a Clinton insider. ‘Keep your circle of advisers small, and then you structure things in a way that makes it economically possible for your close advisers to sustain themselves.’(citation)”

    In the Business Insider’s report, the section following Huma Abedin’s was one on another of Abedin’s benefactors Doug Band of Teneo Holdings.

  6. A Clinton insider made money from connections !!


  7. How can you people even think about local politics when ISIS is planning to attack Fort Hamilton Army Base and destroy our way of life.

  8. It is things like ISIS or ISIL that a great American like Andrew McCarthy fearlessly stands up against. He also is not afraid to name the names of those in high places that would betray us.

    That is in the fine Republican tradition of another great Republican and great American with the name McCarthy, Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin). Joe McCarthy worked hard to root out Communists in government when they threatened our way of life.

    Now, the nation needs somebody, just like Joe McCarthy did, to step up and again defend the nation, this time against the threat of radical Islam and Islamism. Hip-hip hooray, if that man shares the name "McCarthy"!

  9. I cant recall a nomination the dems had for an open Presidential race that was unopposed.
    Even Jerry "Gov Moonbeam" Brown isnt interested.

  10. Benghazi is to Hillary what whitewater was to Bill. A tempest in a teapot.

  11. Joe McCarthy did more to hurt the efforts to fight communism in the United States than any other political figure. His legacy is one of a disgraced politician who undermined the efforts of our government in keeping our Nation safe. Much the same as Republicans in general are trying to do now with your fear-mongering regarding the Muslim faith and your false connection to ISIL.

    Simple J. Malarkey

  12. The only things that Fightin' Joe McCarthy undermined were some of the Comintern and Soviet attempts to Infiltrate the U.S. government. He's only "disgraced" in doctrinaire precincts on the left.
