Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Will the Hynes Grand Jury mean problems for Governor Cuomo and local Republicans like Y/K/W ?


Will Grand Jury testimony about Hynes and his staff's involvement in misusing government property and funds for political activities embroil  State Senator Martin Golden and/or members of his staff ?

According to a report in today's New York Daily News,  "The state's top lawman has empaneled a grand jury to probe possible criminal charges against former Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes and some of his office staff, the Daily News has learned. ***  Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has convened the grand jury in Brooklyn Supreme Court, according to two sources familiar with the investigation...." (See "Grand jury to probe former Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes" by Reuven Blau, 8/13/14, NY Daily News [] [the article had a subheading:  "...New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has convened the panel in Brooklyn Supreme Court on allegations Hynes misappropriated public funds..."]).

The key phrase in the News' report that might be problematic for State Senator Golden and some members of his staff is the following:  "... and some of [Hynes'] office staff, the Daily News has learned...."  Don't forget how active Marty Golden and his Chief of Staff Jerry Kassar's Brooklyn Conservative Party  were with Hynes' general election campaign in 2013.  It's Hynes' 2013 campaign that is largely the focus of the multiple misuse of funds and public property investigations now under way.

Similar problems stemming from AG Schneiderman's Grand Jury probe of former Brooklyn DA Hynes  may be in the offing for Governor Cuomo, as well.  Remember, Hynes had some embarrassing Emails that connected him to Mario Cuomo, and some of former Governor Cuomo's cronies; and both Hynes and Andrew Cuomo used those people as part of their think tanks (  the question also now needs to be asked, "What were they thinking ?).


  1. Is Larry Morrish the only Bay Ridgeite the only one to get a check from asset forfeiture?

    We'll see.

  2. Big power play going on.

    Schumer and Schneiderman are making the move on Andy.

  3. I was reminded of Alan Hevesi when I read about the grand jury looking into Hynes.

    With Hevesi it started with an investigation about government drivers taking Hevesi wife to doctor visits. The Daily News said the Hynes probe is about Hynes misuse of government cars.

    A lot of Bay Ridge names will come out with the asset check probe. Upstanding community leaders and steakhouse owners for sure. The stain this will leave on Bay Ridges hardworking Republicans.
