Sunday, August 24, 2014

In shocker — NYS NOW rejects Governor Andrew Cuomo and endorses Zephyr Teachout for Governor in Democratic Primary

Will an avalanche of women’s groups, like NARAL, Pro-Choice New York and NYC'S NOW,  soon follow by getting on board Zephyr Teachout’s bandwagon ?

NOW’s New York State Chapter President Zenaida Mendez said,  “The Governor’s so-called Women’s Equality line won’t fool anyone....  The Governor doomed the Women’s Equality Act when he supported the Republican State Senate.”

According to a report on the Albany Times Union’s blog, Capitol Confidential,  “The state chapter of the National Organization for Women has endorsed Zephyr Teachout’s Democratic primary challenge to Gov. Andrew Cuomo....” (See “State NOW chapter endorses Teachout”
by Casey Seiler, 8/24/14, Albany Times Union []).

The Times Union report by Casey Seiler also indicated that,  “The pick was made Saturday and announced Sunday by Teachout’s campaign....”;  and that “...  Teachout’s campaign said the endorsement ‘comes despite an intense behind-the-scenes lobbying effort by the Governor and his staff to influence board members and fight for the endorsement’.”

In making her endorsement of Zephyr Teachout, the NYS NOW leader, Zenaida Mendez, is reported to have said the following: “Zephyr Teachout is a dynamic woman with an inspiring, compelling vision that will shake up Albany and the old boys club that runs this state for the benefit of the few. The National Organization for Women is proud to be part of this historic effort to elect the first woman Governor in New York State history....”

According to the release by her campaign, Teachout graciously accepted the NOW endorsement with these words: “As a life-long, proud feminist, this means so much to me. NOW paved the way so many great women leaders. Because of NOW, I have the opportunity to share my vision of a New York that works for all of us, not just the Governor’s old boys club of campaign donors. I hope my candidacy can inspire other young women, the way NOW inspired me....”


  1. A Teachout victory on sept 9th is
    Astorinos only chance

  2. Zephry Teachout sounds like the name of a bad sci fi movies from the 70's.

  3. If Teachout wins the primary Cuomo runs on IND and WFP lines.
    The Republican and Conservative party could become columns A & B.

  4. Dear Mr. Massey,

    Why is it that there is only ONE Republican woman elected to office in New York City? Today is Women's Equality Day throughout New York and we celebrate the 19th amendment becoming law and giving women the right to vote. How is it that the Republican party has strayed so far from the earlier years when it fought hard for women. Indeed, it was a Republican who first introduced the ERA in the Senate for ratification. Will the Brooklyn GOP ever realize that it is critical to have women's support in order to be effective? One female Assembly member is all you can muster? I often wonder if the GOP took its playbook from the Instituional Catholic Church in alienating women . . .

  5. who is this harpy, auntie soobeedo /susan b anthony/ or momma t /mother theresa/

  6. Well that is a thoughtful and reflective response to an invitation to dialogue. You must be one of Mr. Massey's more erudite readers.
