Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is Dean Skelos' state senate plan for 2014 a fantasist's strategy ? Wouldn't a concentrated counteroffensive against State Senator Martin Golden in Brooklyn knock Skelos’ plans into a cocked-hat ?

The "audacity" of Skelos' plan was worthy of comparison to those made by ykw in a deep bunker beneath the garden of the old Reich Chancellery during the spring of 1945 

Such a bunker fever plan could include the "Hermann Göring Division 3"  leading a full frontal attack by the reorganized Army Group Vistula against the massed center of the Soviet Army under Marshal Georgy Zhukov, breaking through crossing the Vistula and/or Oder Rivers and several others along the way, and driving to Moscow, capturing Stalin and winning the war for the Fuhrer by his next birthday in 1946  —  that would be easy compared to what Skelos is telling us he is "planning"

The Skelos' plan actually has a real hard part  —   it actually calls for Republican challengers Rich Funke, Susan Serino and George Amedore to defeat Democrat incumbent State Senators Ted O’Brien, Terry Gipson and Cecilia Tkaczyk

But, even if that's done, the Skelos numbers don't add up  —  but neither did those of ykw down in his bunker

According to Will Bredderman writing for the NY Observer,  “State Senate Republican co-majority leader Dean Skelos...  promised on WCNY’s Capitol Pressroom that the Republicans would gain four or five seats to compensate for the loss of support from the five IDC members — who have now vowed to join the Democrats after the November election. The Republican leader spotlighted three Democrats that he believed would fall: State Senators Ted O’Brien, Terry Gipson and Cecilia Tkaczyk, to respective Republican challengers Rich Funke, Susan Serino and George Amedore....” ( See “Skelos Vows to Keep GOP State Senate Majority by Taking Out Democrats” by Will Bredderman, 06/27/14, NY Observer/ []).

Of course, GOP Senate Leader Skelos’ numbers don’t add up.  However, those details are  not part of anybody’s deep bunker thinking.

A simple countervailing strategy would be to focus on low-hanging fruit like Brooklyn’s Marty Golden. The Golden re-election effort is hamstrung by deep divisions in the Brooklyn GOP and a pair of major scandals. The exploding scandal of the 2013 Hynes campaign on the GOP and Conservative Party lines already looks like it will directly engulf Golden and his key supporters. The long-percolating scandals involving Congressman Grimm, including a pending Federal indictment will add enough mass to weigh the whole Grimm-Golden ticket down, especially in the Brooklyn parts of the Grimm district.


  1. Skelos is Greek for moron.

  2. If Skelos wins all his targeted races, which he wont, he still comes up short.

    I'm glad Skelos isnt the comptroller

  3. the biggest problem for republicans left in the state senate is'nt dean skelos its the skells
    "the staff skells" are the real problem
    take a look at marty golden's overweight crew, what good are they good for an what do they do? they can't even write a decent press release or come up with any good ideas for - community based events - for there hardworking boss - marty - to take credit for at public expense. there best way to get something done is to call up vinny gentiles office and see if justin brennan cn fix it, and he could lose a few pounds too.

  4. Golden's staff problems are real, but if you think Skelos is not the problem, you don't understand how the Senate works.

    Skelos controls everything. Marty can't crap without his approval.

  5. Skelos sounded like he was counting on Marty losing his seat.

  6. Skelos didn't seem like he was "counting" at all....

  7. Golden is going down with Grimm - I will get a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show.
