Wednesday, April 9, 2014

State Senator Martin Golden is SHOCKED! ... Perhaps even SHOCKED and OUTRAGED! — Abortion clinics are operating without inspections — Golden says it’s “CRAZY!” just “CRAZY!”

How many years has Brooklyn’s only Republican-Conservative State Senator been an elected official ?  How many years has Brooklyn’s only Republican-Conservative State Senator held a public position in opposition to abortion ?  When did Republican-Conservative State Senator Martin Golden first speak out on the inspection of abortion facilities ?

It seems like Marty Golden is a little late to the party  —   He spoke up only after abortion-supporter Diane Savino clearly expressed her outrage  —   GOP gubernatorial front-runner Rob Astorino stated that he was “ALARMED !”  —  And many other legislators called for hearings

Most people of a certain age know about the scene when Claude Rains, as Captain Louis Renault, announces that he is closing down Rick’s club because he is “SHOCKED... SHOCKED to find that gambling is going on in here !”   Marty Golden now pretty much finds himself in the same shoes as Louie Renault, but without the nifty uniform, and calling for hearings instead of calling for a shut-down of the uninspected facilities.

Today’s New York Post ran a small article entitled “Pols rip lax checks at abort sites”; this appears to be an earlier print edition of a much longer piece by Carl Campanile that appeared later in the day on line (See “Astorino ‘alarmed’ by uninspected abortion clinics” by Carl Campanile, 4/9/14, NY Post []). Marty Golden is quoted in both versions of the article as calling the situation “Crazy.”

Very succinct, Marty, very succinct....

State Senator Diane Savino,  generally a supporter of abortion rights, was reported to be far more articulate on the issue, saying the following: “It’s kind of scary. The lack of inspections is really quite frightening....  These are facilities where women are seeking medical care. We shouldn’t allow these medical facilities to take second fiddle to inspections for tanning salons and restaurants.”

Computer searches on “Marty Golden” or “Martin Golden” or “State Senator Golden” and the issue of abortion clinic inspections turned up no hits. As recently as earlier this week the issue was in the news and there was not a peep from the GOP-Cons Brooklyn State Senator.  Even when Carl Campanile did a pair of long articles/posts on the same subject a couple of days ago, it looks like State Senator Golden had nothing to say about either one of them at the time (See “NYC’s tanning salons inspected more regularly than abortion clinics” by Carl Campanile, 4/7/14, NY Post []; and “State has only shut one abortion clinic in 14 years” by Carl Campanile, 4/7/14, NY Post []).

Golden has a long history, and he has been on the record on many controversial matters (occasionally sounding like he was on both sides)   —   where has this so-called social conservative been when it comes to abortion clinics ?

Maybe State Senator Golden would rather answer this question. What would he do or say if somebody like the Post’s Carl Campanile did an article about how somebody named Major Heinrich Strasser had been shot while fugitives were allowed to escape and to continue the “crimes” for which they were being sought.



The New York Post is taking a victory lap using a page two headline for another Carl Campanile article to proclaim  —   “NY health big quits in abort-clinic flap” (See “NY health boss resigning after agency failed to inspect abortion clinics” by Pat Bailey and Carl Campanile, 4/9/14, NY Post []).  If it weren’t for Julia Louis-Drefus’ tattooed assets, this story might have made the Post’s front page.

Certain New York State GOP politicians are looking good for having called for the resignation of New York State Health Commissioner Nirav Shah  —  most notably, that would have to be Bob Astorino  —   who looks both strong and on top of things like this.

There was a local GOPer who also came off smelling like a rose.


According to the Staten Island Advance, “Republican Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis has gotten her wish. ***  Dr. Nirav Shah, the state health commissioner, will step down in June ... the agency said Wednesday -- on the same day that Ms. Malliotakis (R-East Shore/Brooklyn) called for his scalp....”  (See “Update: State health commissioner is stepping down” by Tom Wrobleski, 4/10/14, SI Advance/ []). The advance article had lots more to say about Ms. Malliotakis.  However, her Brooklyn colleague State Senator Golden is not to be found anywhere on the issue of calling for action on abortion clinics, other than his one word observation that it’s all  —   “CRAZY !”

Yesterday, I said that State Senator Golden got into this late in the game; today, it looks like he struck out in his only at bat.  Or to use the old saw  —   “He was a day late and a pound short !”


  1. Looks like the same old Marty Golden

  2. See "UPDATE: 'THE SOMEBODY HAS TO GET THROWN UNDER THE BUS FOR THIS' EDITION" -- done as addition to main text of my post.
