Friday, August 9, 2013


Court did not address issue of possible alteration of Notice Letter from BOE to GOP Candidate Hayon prior to his filing an Amended Cover Sheet --- Justice Schmidt simply found that Hayon amended his cover sheet in reliance upon certain BOE records and files, and that as amended his petition was in substantial compliance with the BOE requirements 

By his Decision and Order of August 9, 2013, Justice David Schmidt directed the Board of Elections to place Joseph Hayon on the Republican Primary Election Ballot for the primary election to be held on September 10, 2013; he denied Hayon’s invalidating petition directed at David Greenfield’s Independence Party signatures and ordered that Greenfield’s name appear on the Independence Party Primary Election Ballot for the primary election to be held on September 10, 2013.

On the key points raised in Hayon’s validating petition, the Court credited both the BOE witness and Mr. Hayon. Although the Court acknowledged that the BOE practices and procedures were followed to mail out a letter concerning an error in the number of volumes and description of volumes, Mr. Hayon did attempt to correct his cover sheet and he did so in reliance upon various BOE documents and records to the extent that he had reasonably seen and understood them. Furthermore, any defect on the amended cover sheet was excusable, because it did not cause any confusion at the BOE, which never credited Hayon with the extra volumes. Since the liberalized standard is to validate petitions that contain a sufficient number of signatures, Hayon’s Republican petition should be validated because it was in substantial compliance and contained the requisite number of signatures.


  1. I wonder if Kassar had to be resuscitated after he got the news.

    This is pretty big news. Greenfield is vulnerable.

    The real question is who will Golden and the "Republicans for Change/Democrats" be backing?

    Golden backed Greenfield over Republican candidates Jonathan Judge and Kenneth Rice in a Special Election in what seems like a lifetime ago. However, insurgents and those soon to join their ranks have very long memories.

    Craig Eaton's greatest revenge will be helping get Hayon elected. That would be something alright.

    I want to say "let's see what happens next" but that is Gale's line...

    1. Actually, I used that line back in the days before GM and The Brooklyn Independent Republican Fountainhead.

      Now, I've thought this over; and here's the deal. If the comment really cries out for it for a poke in the eye ending, any of my friends can use it.

      btw, it's "Republicans for Change/bureaucrats" not "Republicans for Change/ Democrats"

  2. I am still confused.

    Help Gale who do I vote for please which side is going to be the winning side and who side's are you?

    That is the side I want to be on because at least you tell it like it is and I know you speak from your heart

    1. All sides will have their say... including the silent majority, who will vote with their silence and absence from the process...

      If we're lucky, some of the truth will be discernible somewhere inside everything the two or three sides are saying (some observers will surely conclude none of it is true)... you'll decide what makes sense to you and you'll vote (or like most people you won't)...

      If I want a successful GOP, I'd back the side that provides the best bread and circuses, because being fed and entertained is what most Americans want right now, and that includes Brooklyn. If I want a party that stands on principal, then it gets a bit tougher to find. If I want an organization that's practical and pragmatic, I probably have to look elsewhere.

      In the short run, I think we need to be more open, more diverse, more accommodating to all who want to participate in the process as Republicans and have a party that's more bottom up from the individual Republican participant. That requires fostering clubs that are small, local and independent of any top-down "Big Brother" Republican boss or bosses.

      Maybe one of the sides might go along with most of that --- that's the side I'll be on for this fight....

  3. Here Here I Will Drink To That Laddie


