Monday, April 8, 2013

Did the NY Post intend to highlight something to look like a Bloomberg smack at Eaton

Why did David Seifman mention Brooklyn Republican Chairman Craig Eaton by name as still having ties to the Bloomberg Administration, only to have somebody in the administration apparently contradict it in the next sentence ?

First, the Post's political columnist/reporter David Seifman said, "With the federal indictment of two party leaders for allegedly taking bribes for ballot access, only Brooklyn Republican Party chairman Craig Eaton still has ties to the administration."  That would seem pretty clear and unambiguous, but look at what Seifman had to say immediately following that: " 'There are no more relationships,' said one source close to the mayor. 'It’s not likely they’re going to get any more'.” A little further along, Seifman concluded that "[Mayor Bloomberg]'s not willing to get near anything that smells of scandal, if he can help it." ( See "Scandal-stung GOP loses out on Bloomy bucks" by David Seifman, 4/7/13, NY Post

Brooklyn's GOP AND CONSERVATIVE PARTY leaders are not in the clear from this scandal yet -- their almost absolute silence about the scandal or what they must know about it speaks volumes.

I have reported in two comments to earlier posts on this blog that there was some  talk about a direct communication between one of the Republicans charged in the Malcolm Smith Scandal and a high Brooklyn party official in connection with obtaining a Wilson-Pakula authorization for Democrat Malcolm Smith's run for mayor in 2013.


  1. I noticed Mike Longs son opened a nice bar on 3rd ave in Manhattan right after Mike stood by Ron Lauder and gave him a Wilson/Pakula for the conservative line. It takes guts to stick with a billionaire

    1. I know who you are; and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does. You're one of Galewyn Massey's irregular guys. Take a laxative....

  2. Nice piece of work. They that sell their soul for personal needs of power and greed always in the end will regret what they have done and they go have to answer to a higher authority. Prays are needed for both Republicans and Democrats Politicians
    In my heart I have to believe their are good men and good women politicians who care and it's a shame that headlines make them all appear shady.
    I believe one of the secrets is to forgive them and forge ahead with a new beginning for everyone and not a select few.
    The entire system on how favors are dished out all smells a little to foul for me and the Board of Elections has to be run in a more professional manner.
    Is it really all about the money?
    I hope not!

    1. Don't forget the Peter Cipriano lawsuit in 2011 that said Eaton was doing something illegal with the way he was running the Brooklyn Board of Elections. And your friend Berardelli broke the deal to settle that suit and won the "appeal" with some shyster flim-flam.

  3. They do have to answer to a higher authority.

    They (take out the go and or do)answer to a higher authority

  4. Excuse my mistakes with English grammar and vocabulary today for my mind is on Korea and I pray we need not lose more soldiers because of their MORAN leader!

    1. 38th Parallel: Is that leader General Moran or Colonel Moran?

    2. DAFFY: "What a MAROON !"

  5. BACKFILL — THEN CONNECT THE DOTS: During the last week, the practice of giving donations to cash-poor Republican County organizations came into sharp focus. Democratic State Sen. Malcolm Smith was charged with scheming to bribe three Republican officials – two from Queens and the other from the Bronx. And right after that was announced, another Republican candidate, George McDonald, told The New York Times that all the GOP County Leaders had essentially tried to shake him down for money (See “Catsimatidis: 'If it's legal, it's not unethical' ” by Chris Bragg, 4/5/13, Crain’s New York/ Crain’s Business Insider
    [] ; also [@chrisbragg1]).

    Last week according to that same report by Chris Bragg, Republican mayoral candidate Joseph Lhota took a shot at his main GOP primary opponent for a practice that candidates, like billionaire John Catsimatidis, can and do engage in — donating heavily to the county-wide Republican organizations that support those wealthy candidates. The practice had been a hallmark of multi-billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg's campaigns and has been employed to a lesser extent by Mr. Catsimatidis in the 2012 and 2013 . According to Candidate Lhota, such donations are "unethical."

    According to Mr..Bragg , “Mr. Catsimatidis has made no bones about the fact that he'll give campaign donations to whichever county parties support him. He has already given $20,000 to the Manhattan Republicans and $23,000 for "rent" to the Queens Republicans. He also gave heavily to politicians on both sides of the aisle before running for mayor. ‘I've given lots of money to politicians, but I've never asked for a favor,’ [Catsimadidis] said. ‘Everyone else, it's quid pro quo—not everybody. Most’."

    NOW CONNECT THESE DOTS: Around the time that the Malcolm Smith scandal was beginning to percolate among its charged co-conspirators, Brooklyn Republican County Chairman Craig Eaton started to soften in his support for giving a Wilson-Pakula authorization to Democrat Alfonso Carrion; and after that Eaton said that he has decided to back John Catsimatidis. However, with all the talk of Eaton’s being mentioned as “County Chairman # 1" in the federal complaint and about one of the Republicans, who had been charged, calling on a Brooklyn County leader to support giving the Wilson-Pakula authorization to Democrat State Senator Smith, the Catsimatidis announcement of Eaton’s endorsement was caused to be back-burnered for some time.

    What are the chances that the Brooklyn Republican County Chairman didn’t make his decisions — not to back Alfonso Carrion, Malcolm Smith, George McDonald, Joseph Lhota, or anybody else other than Catsimatidis, but instead ultimately decided to chose John Catsimatidis — without making some kind of “pay for play” calculation of the kind described by George McDonald or like the pattern of Catsimatidis and Bloomberg donations outlined in the Bragg article in the Crain’s Insider ?

  6. So where is the money? If Queens and Manhattan were paid then where is the money for the Brooklyn GOP? Seems like your stretching here Gale.

    1. No stretch at all... Eaton was late to come on board and the Malcolm Smith stuff blew up...

      Besides, I'm talking about things like visions of sugar plums in Eaton's head, just like the kids in their beds in "The Night Before Christmas"...

      But now, the heat's on for everybody... maybe, it all blew up on Eaton before the deal could get done and there will be no money from Mr. C after all....

      You know what, ask Eaton !

    2. I've been told by a very special Baker Street Irregular that a) the money did change hands; b) it changed hands quite a while ago -- much earlier than I would have expected based upon Eaton's public remarks; c) it was a lot less than others got for their endorsement of JC; and d) Eaton really didn't like that when he found out about it.

      I'll provide details when and if I can second source the material....

      You know what, ask Eaton about all that, too !

  7. Galewyn

    None of it matters or does it for in the end the dogs will still be dogs, the crooks will still be crooks, they that lie will still lie and the way it seems everything will stay the same except they might change the name and some rules here and there and say that it is alright with the new rules and new name.

    Do the best you can with the writing and pray the light bulbs in their peanut brains goes on, unless they all have short circuits and then they need some mending and the only way to help them is with a pray and maybe some kind thoughts.

    1. If your pitcher is getting knocked all over the park; and everybody knows that he's got nothing on the ball and he can't even get near the plate with most of his pitches --- you gotta take him out for the good of everybody involved on your side.

  8. that assumes you have someone warming up in the bullpen...

  9. Gale, you should be very careful with your claims and assersions. You are really getting close to crossing the line, if you havent already done so. You are basicly calling Eaton corrupt when there is no evidence to that effect. You could find yourself in a jam if you keep circling a wagon without any proof. Be very careful my friend - many indictments came down last week and Eaton was clean. Keep that in mind.

    1. What line is that?

      Don't you agree with Catsimatidis, "'If it's legal, it's not unethical ” ?

      OR are you reading something into what is mine from above that I didn't say ?

      Of course if Eaton wants to deny something or assert something contrary, he can do it any time; and I'll be glad to look into what he has to say.

  10. I dont know why Eaton would even read this Blog - it is so tainted and there are only 2 followers....this is really a joke of a blog anyway.
