Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sellout Alert ! ! !

New York State's GOP Senators and Assembly Members soon will be telling their constituents what a great job they did helping Governor Cuomo and their Democrat colleagues drive the bus over the cliff and how responsible they were for cooperating and helping with the driving.

The search engines are showing all the major news outlets reporting that a deal either has been made or is very close on a New York State budget that will increase state spending by more than two percent (+2%). Also tucked into that budget bill is a continuation of a temporary tax on the "wealthy" and an increase of the minimum wage in New York to levels higher than most of the present Wage-Hour Law proposals in Washington. Some Republicans are already saying what a good deal they negotiated under the circumstances and what a good thing it was making sure that this budget was passed on time.

In New York State we have one-party rule by the Democrat Party. In New York the Democrat Party has two wings: the traditional Democrats and the cat's paw pretend-to-be-Republican  Democrats.


  1. UPDATE: Republican State Senators sign off on extension of Democrats’ “Class Warfare” taxes in New York as well as Minimum Wage increases for three years ( See “Tax breaks in 2014, tied to millionaire’s tax renewal,” by Jimmy Vielkind, 3/19/13, Capitol Confidential/ [http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/182525/tax-breaks-in-2014-tied-to-millionaires-tax-renewal/]). GOP proposed middle class and small business “tax roll-backs” will be held off until next year.


  2. UPDATE: The details of the “deal” on the conceptual budget are trickling out ( See “Cuomo, state lawmakers reach $136 billion budget deal,” 3/21/13, Poughkeepsie Journal [http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article/20130321/NEWS12/303210044]). The deal includes Cuomo’s big long term gimmick – his proposal to allow for “pension smoothing” for local governments and schools.

    Lots of blame for everybody and just a teeny-weeny bit of credit that some of it will eventually mean some lower taxes for some people.

    If you like this deal you’re a tax and spend, class warfare Democrat, whether you know it or not.

    btw, if any Federal Funds are restored, the NYS Budget automatically increases --- none of it will go to tax cuts or to pay down debt .

  3. UPDATE: THE BIG LIES — “Gov. Andrew Cuomo and top lawmakers outlined Thursday an agreement for the state budget that closes a $1.3 billion gap with no new taxes or fees....” (See “NY state budget agreement on track and time — again” by Danielle Tcholakian, 3/ 21/13, Metro.US [http://www.metro.us/newyork/news/local/2013/03/21/ny-state-budget-agreement-on-track-and-time-again/]). Except there are NEW TAXES, additional fees and unfunded mandates in there — including an immediate renewal of the New York State Democrat Class Warfare “millionaires’ tax,” which by its own terms was to cease in 2013 and an immediate increase of the minimum wage that increases again and again over three years; whereas the "compensating" middle-class and small business tax cuts are all pushed into the years following 2013.

    Republican Leader of the NYS Senate Dean Skelos calls this budget, “...OUTSTANDING.... EXCELLENT...” (See video clip of Dean Skelos praising everybody involved in the budgeting process at “Senator Skelos Comments on the 2013-14 New York State Budget Agreement,” Dean Skelos web page, 3/21/13 [http://www.nysenate.gov/video/2013/mar/21/senator-skelos-comments-2013-14-new-york-state-budget-agreement]). Under his leadership, the NYS Senate Republicans have made this budget, which immediately increases NYS government spending and taxes their own. As of midday Saturday, State Senator Golden has nothing to report about the 2013-2014 budgeting process, whether he thinks the “Budget Agreement” is as “...OUTSTANDING” and “EXCELLENT...” as Skelos does, or even if he is in Albany to vote on any of it, although some of his photo captions indicate that he might still be there (See Martin Golden web page, 3/23/13 [http://www.nysenate.gov/senator/martin-j-golden]).

    *** We need the Tea Party to throw all these so-called “Republican State Senators” out. ***

    It also turns out that there are still things in the budget bill, which are still being worked out, and some (possibly all) budget votes will be pushed back until next Thursday (“No new budget bills; voting pushed to Thursday” by Jimmy Vielkind, 3/23/13, Capitol Confidential [http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/182939/no-new-budget-bills-voting-pushed-to-Thursday/]). We can only guess what’s going to be added onto these “Christmas Tree” Budget Bills before all is said and done.

  4. CONNECTION TO ANOTHER RECENT SELLOUT : Don’t forget how the Dean Skelos led Republicans in the State Senate were instrumental in passing Governor Andrew Cuomo’s signal piece of anti-gun legislation, called the New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013.

    Lest there be any doubt as to the overall anti-gun significance of the NYS S.A.F.E. Act supported by Brooklyn Republican-Conservative State Senator Martin Golden, here’s what the liberal Democrat NYS Senate Co-president Jeff Klein ( who is supported in his position by State Senator Golden) had to say about that Act:
    “I stand by that legislation. I think the SAFE Act is the toughest gun control legislation in the nation. I was very proud to be a sponsor of that bill in the Senate I just only wish other states and the federal government enacted something as close in perfection to that bill.” ( “Klein Says SAFE Act Still Tough” by Nick Reisman, 3/25/13, YNN Capitol Tonight [http://capitaltonightny.ynn.com/2013/03/klein-safe-act-still-tough/]

    That the NYS S.A.F.E. Act is tough across the board anti-gun legislation is something upon which both Klein and those opposed to the measure would likely agree. Gun groups like the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association are currently seeking to overturn the measure in federal court as a violation of fundamental rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.


    After debating spending bills Tuesday night, the state Senate completed adoption of the state budget favored by Governor Cuomo at 4:30 a.m. yesterday morning and adjourned until April 15th (See “State Senate Stays Up All Night, Completes Work On New York State Budget” by Glenn Blain, 3/27/13 [http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2013/03/state-senate-stays-up-all-night-completes-work-on-new-york-state-budget]). The majority coalition held off various efforts by the Democratic Caucus to amend the Cuomo-favored budget bill. According to a report in the Daily News/Daily Politics Blog, Brooklyn Democratic State Senator Kevin Parker said that Governor. Cuomo was "bullying" the Legislature to adopt his budget.

    The state Senate passed an education budget bill with additional $364 million in state aid headed to city schools under the budget. Figures released Tuesday night show the city will receive about $8.3 billion in total funding under the state’s 2013-14 spending plan, an increase of nearly 4.6% from the current budget (See “State Education Budget Boosts Funding for New York City Schools” by Glenn Blain, 3/27/13 [http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2013/03/state-education-budget-boosts-funding-for-new-york-city-schools]).

    “I think the kids in the City of New York did extremely well,” said Sen. Martin Golden (R-Brooklyn). “These numbers are very good for the city.”

  6. TESTAMENT TO REPUBLICAN FAILURE UPDATE: Brooklyn Republican State Senator Martin Golden, take note....

    On video Governor Cuomo delivered a testament to the GOP’s failure to be an effective opposition in Albany — What better way would there be to demonstrate the complete collapse of the Republican Party as an opposition party in the New York State legislature ?

    According to Ken Lovett posting on the Daily News Daily Politics blog, “Gov. Cuomo started his post-budget victory lap with a web video this morning proclaiming that ‘New York is on the move’.” ( See “Gov. Cuomo Touts New Budget, Says New York Heading In Right Direction” by Ken Lovett, 3/29/13, Daily News/Daily Politics [http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2013/03/gov-cuomo-touts-new-budget-says-new-york-heading-in-right-direction]). Although he didn’t specifically mention the controversial gun control bill he pushed through with GOP compliance in January 2013 — or the legalization of gay marriage in 2011, which also slid passed a Republican-controlled state senate; the Governor referred to those items under the more generic categories of “civil rights” and “public safety” reforms.

    In the video Cuomo noted that the new $141.3 billion budget, which was finally passed by the Assembly just before midnight last night, builds on the successes of his first two years in office. According to Cuomo, “Our state government is working.... We are creating jobs, cutting taxes and leading the nation in education, civil rights and public safety reforms.”
