Friday, January 18, 2013

Yesterday the Brooklyn Young Republican Club published it's own critique of Andrew Cuomo's new [anti-] gun law . Here is what Brooklyn's real Young Republicans had to say about it:

Governor Cuomo’s Assault On The 2nd Amendment. 

A Sad Day For All Law-Abiding New Yorkers.

Jan 17, 2013 12:16 am | Brooklyn Young Republican Club


When it is time to look back on the accomplishments of Andrew Cuomo’s tenure as Governor  quite possibly during a presidential run three years from now – we will be able to give him credit for throwing his full weight behind a new law that criminals will never follow, will create more criminals out of formerly law-abiding people, and brings disrespect for Constitutional freedoms to a new low. This week, the New York State Legislature passed, with strong political pressure from the now-crusading Governor, a victim disarmament bill – referred to commonly, but wrongly, as a “gun control” bill.

The Governor’s newfound interest in disarming New Yorkers is undoubtedly connected to the horrific events in Connecticut last month, and politicians are now tripping over themselves to appear to be “doing something” in response. Talk of “gun control” is everywhere, including in Washington, D.C.; we are now hearing of an impending unilateral action by the President based on the findings of a “study” led by the Vice President. Ironically, it was the Obama Administration that demonstrated a complete lack of “gun control” when it allowed, through the ill-advised “Fast and Furious” operation, firearms to be transported to Mexico, ostensibly so that they could be tracked and assist with anti-drug cartel efforts. One of the “Fast and Furious” weapons was used in the killing of a U.S. Border Patrol agent; and yet the cabinet officer responsible for overseeing the operation, Attorney General Eric Holder, is still serving during Obama’s second term, despite being held in contempt of Congress for his refusal to assist in its investigation. The President should look to “control” his own guns before forcing new restrictions on people who have never used a weapon illegally.

Governor Cuomo spent the first two years of his term implementing change in Albany and championing “transparency”. Even though he left plenty of loopholes for big-government growth and runaway taxation and spending to continue, he was the first leader in Albany in many years to at least talk about real change. As the 2013 political season began, though, he started to sound like he was appealing to the most far-left wing of his party, as if trying to capture delegates in Iowa and New Hampshire. The recent  State of the State speech ignored real issues – most notably the issue of gas drilling, which has the promise of bringing jobs and real opportunities to some of the poorest parts of New YorkState – and instead trotted out the old Democrat mainstays of abortion and guns, among several other non-issues. When the legislative session began, the Governor used an emergency measure to force an immediate vote on his “gun control” bill, not allowing a reasonable amount of time for it to even be read by the legislators – about as un-transparent an act of government as could be imagined. Cuomo boasted of ending “dysfunction” in Albany – but two days into this legislative session, one begins to wonder what the real benefit of a “functional” legislature is.

Sadly, many senators of our own party decided to side with Andrew Cuomo’s popularity over their principles and supported this bill. Senator Lee Zeldin of SuffolkCounty, an Army reserve officer, was absent from the vote due to military service. Zeldin stated that he would have voted against the bill had he been present during the vote. Sen. Zeldin’s military service is fortunate for America but unfortunate for Long Island; the other eight Republican senators representing Nassau and Suffolk caved in to Cuomo’s presidential ambitions and supported the bill. Considering the razor-thin margins by which several senators were re-elected, it is highly likely that Republicans will either go to the polls on primary day to support candidates who will actually stand up for their beliefs, or simply stay home on election day because their party has abandoned them.

As New York Post reporter Fred Dicker noted, this bill will not only restrict Constitutional freedoms in an unreasonable way; it will add one more reason to the long list of reasons why living in New York (and Upstate New York in particular) has simply become too difficult and undesirable, further encouraging people to join the millions who have already left New York for more hospitable states. In the vast rural areas of Upstate New York, the use of firearms as a tool for hunting, sporting and self-defense is a fact of life. Hard as it may be for us Downstaters to imagine – when hunting for food is a strange and foreign-sounding concept, and when the NYPD can respond to a call in five minutes or less – people Upstate live a very different lifestyle, and Governor Cuomo has shown that lifestyle tremendous disrespect.

While in reality a firearm is nothing more than an instrument that can be used for good or evil like any other, the Governor – who has no shortage of guns, carried by State Troopers, to protect him – considers “gun control” a tool to raise his national profile and further his ambitions. If there was ever a time for Republicans to stop hitting the snooze button and start acting like a party that respects personal freedom and is willing to stand up for it in government at all levels, it is now.

By Paul Hanson.
Board of Directors Member
Brooklyn Young Republican Club.
Going Strong Since 1880.


    I must point out that the Brooklyn Young Republican Club's report on Republican complicity in the passage of Cuomo's anti-citizen/anti-gun bill was not complete.

    Although it took pains to point out the cave-in by all the Nassau-Suffolk State Senators, except for Zeldin, it neglected to point out a similar cave-in by all of Brooklyn's Republican State Senators -- the one-and-only Martin Golden.

    1. At least "The Brooklyn Young Republican Club" had something to say about Gov. Cuomo's Gun Control Law. The other "Brooklyn" astroturf young republicans didn't do or say a thing about it. Their web page is a half year out of date, they don't even hold meetings any more. When they did hold meetings, once you eliminated Brooklyn Republican Party leaders and Vice Chairmen, the majority of attendees were YR members from other counties.

    2. Ouch!

      Touchy, Touchy !

      Didn't you see where I put "...real Young Republicans..." in the title of my post?

      I just thought it was an "oversight" for a "Brooklyn" Republican club not to mention what a "Brooklyn" Republican state senator did, when they did mention what the Nassau and Suffolk Republican state senators did.

  2. The young republicans I see look like they are senior citizens

    1. I doubt that you've seen any "Young Republicans" unless you are being played by Haley Joel Osment and you are supposed to have a Sixth Sense.

  3. The fact that the two presidents of the competing Brooklyn Young Republican organizations have stood up against State Senator Martin Golden's support of the Coumo Gun Law has made some news and some noise in the local press in Brooklyn (See "Golden under the gun — Brooklyn Republicans blast GOP pol for assault rifle vote" by Will Bredderman, The Brooklyn Paper, 1/18/13 [ ]).

    1. The Brooklyn Young Republican Club did call Golden out on his vote. Check out the Statement by their President Glenn Nocera on their website.

      Dear Senator Golden. As President of the Brooklyn Young rRepublican Club I wanted to convey my club members disgust with your vote on Governor Cuomo’s Gun control bill. We see this vote as a slippery slope to totally removing gun’s from law-abiding citizens . We believe that this bill will not change any future Sandy Hook type shootings,since a criminal will always find a way to create carnage wherever or whenever he wants. Especially if there is no one with a gun to stop him.That is why we need more law-abiding gun owners to stop any future Sandy Hook type shootings. Although there was one good element of the law,and that was the section on the mentally ill not owning guns. we however still feel the section of limiting the amount of rounds in a gun to 7, infringes on our second Amendment rights. We were also not comfortable in the way the bill was put up for a vote without public debate in the cover of darkness. So in closing Senator Golden we wish you would reconsider your stance on this issue if it ever comes up again for a vote in the future. Thanks for listening.

      Glenn P. Nocera. President

      Brooklyn Young Republican Club.

      Going strong Since 1880.
