Thursday, January 31, 2013

What is Colin Campbell really trying to tell us about [“former”] Congressman Michael Grimm ?

Is this the way it will happen for the Congressman from Southwest Brooklyn and Staten Island —  not with a bang, but with a whimper — a buried item in somebody’s “Morning Read...” ?

Here is how it appeared on this morning’s “... Read” by Colin Campbell,  “Ever wanted to go out on a day with former Congressman Michael Grimm? New Yorkers will have exactly that opportunity on February 8th when a Bay Ridge bachelor auction is set to include both Mr. Grimm...” ( “SUGGESTED READING — Morning Read: ‘I May Do Some Tango Moves’,” Colin Campbell, 1/31/13, Politicker []). Maybe, Colin Campbell is really onto something and it just slipped out.

I heard something similar yesterday from a Brooklyn GOP insider (and remember, most of them never were for Congressman Grimm in the first place); and that person used the words: “Grimm”; “investigation”; “resignation”; “weeks” and “special election” —  all in one sentence.  I tried to tell the guy that it was all rumors, but he was insistent that it was really going to happen.


  1. UPDATE: a detailed report by Liz Benjamin on the Grimm situation appears in the 1/31/13 YNN – Capital Tonight under the title: “Grimm Racks Up Legal Fees, Attracts Opponents”
    []; so far it attracted one nifty comment by Jenny Ling Po that skewered Grimm’s opponents mentioned in LB’s posting (previously mentioned here and by other blogs, as well).

  2. I think you're reading too much into a pre-coffee typo. Originally led with "former State Senate candidate Andrew Gounardes" and then forgot to take out the "former" when I moved it around. It's been fixed.

