Monday, January 14, 2013

Home Reporter-Spectator Battling Ks Columnists, Kassar and Kieran, suddenly agree on most things

After three weeks it looks like Jerry Kassar,  the purported "conservative"  voice in the Home Reporter- Spectator has thrown in the towel against his routinely "Liberal Democrat" opponent, Brian Kieran 

As usual lately, Jerry Kassar, the Kings County Conservative Chairman and State Senator Martin Golden's Chief of Staff,  was silent on gun control.  That was merely disappointing since Mr. Kieran kept his end of the argument alive. It was the rest of Kassar's column that was truly depressing. Kassar generally agreed with Kieran on everything else that they wrote in their columns for the Week of January 10.  It came down to this: Kassar and Kieran agreed that New York City Cops shooting and killing people is a good thing. And on almost  everything else, Kassar caved in and generally agreed that the misery being suffered by the victims of "Hurricane" Sandy is due to bad Republicans in Washington, except for Michael Grimm and Peter King. Kassar even made special note that it would be a good idea to stop contributing to the Republicans.

The small area of disagreement was over Congressman Maichael Grimm. Kieran thinks he's bad for being one of the bad Republicans in Congress; and Kassar thinks he's good  for standing up to the other bad Republicans in Congress.  Does anybody want to bet who will win that argument ?

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