Thursday, January 10, 2013

Brooklyn GOP [Blog-talk] Radio goes back ‘On the Air’ after several months hiatus

Gene Berardelli and Russ Gallo explain the delay and put on a show that was worth the wait....  


NRA President David Keene made a decent presentation that was largely uninterrupted by the hosts. As As predicted earlier on this blog, there were neither any tough questions nor any contrary opinions expressed to what Mr. Keene had to say.

Also as expected and contrary to the recent advice given to Berardelli and Gallo on this blog, there was absolutely no discussion of any local political involvement in the New York State or national gun control debate. Certainly, there was no discussion as to an expected GOP cave-in to the Governor and the Assembly; or anything else that the Senate Republican Majority leader Dean Skelos or Brooklyn GOP State Senator Martin Golden might do vis a vis Governor Cuomo’s seven point agenda ( which Cuomo anti-gun agenda was talked about on the show).

These were some of the Gallo and Beradelli high points of the program:

–  Gallo explained the meaning of “militia” in the Second Amendment without once mentioning the “Militia Act” ( 10 USC Chapter 13 - THE MILITIA) or giving the history of militias and the various “Militia Acts” in American History from the 1790's through the present;

– Berardelli’s performance of the “technical difficulties vamp” including having to spell "Keene" to a phone operator;

– Gallo’s use of  “Facts” as “proof positive of...”

– Berardelli’s complaint about the “National Media” coverage of liberal protesters at conservative events;

– Russ Gallo’s personal report that looting and home invasions had happened in the Rockaways in the aftermath of  “Hurricane” Sandy; and

– Russ Gallo’s recent emerging opposition to any gun registration.

Of course there were a few other tidbits that didn't make the cut.


  1. P.S.

    Did you catch Russell Gallo's one-liner about the Brooklyn GOP -- "There may not be many of us left..."

    Doesn't RG wonder why?

    Maybe, it's the Craig Eaton leadership team and a policy of trying to keep a lid on everything that isn't about what somebody thinks will work best for State Senator Martin Golden.

    1. So much negativity! What is the point?

  2. UPDATE: [PG-17, some stark language to follow] CBS News takes a Keene quote from the Gallo & Berardelli blog-talk radio show. Here's what it was: "In a radio interview late Tuesday night with Brooklyn GOP Radio, NRA President David Keene lashed out at both Mr. Obama and Biden, saying, "I think they're being disingenuous. I think that they've seen this as an opportunity to go after the Second Amendment, which they've wanted to do for years, if not decades, and I think they're going to do everything they can to strip Americans of their right to keep and bear arms."

    We got to hand it to this dynamic duo, they really put one over on CBS News. "...a radio interview" --- But really they didn't ...
    it was Hunter Walker of Politicker who made a big story out of the Keene interview by the B&G team that whines, but doesn't make any wine.

    Gallo, Berardelli and friends seemed upset at Hunter Walker's giving them their "fifteen minutes of fame"; and they even suggested that Mr. Walker "didn't have the common decency to give them a hand-around" in the form of a link.

    What I completely missed was some story that Berardelli, Gallo & Co. think that they broke on their Blog-cast --- wtf could that have been? But then again, I shouldn't assume that they know as much about gun issues as I do, so maybe they broke something to themselves. (BTW --- Gallo knows almost as little about guns and gun rights as he does about "evil in the world" (Yeah, that's my review of his literary effort in today's "Brooklyn GOP Radio -Official- Show Blog" --- It's really worth a pass; read your horoscope or something equally useful instead!)

    1. More negativity, what's the point? At least give them some credit. They got Keene a national NRA spokesman, they got mentioned on TV, Drudge and a few other things.

    2. Without going into a lot of detail, neither David Keene, Russell Gallo nor Gene Berardelli, or for that matter Wayne LaPierre, S.E. Cupp or countless others with opinions about the gun rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment are any more than a lonesome bodies with their pie holes champing away.

      David Keene and Wayne LaPierre might or might not be speaking on behalf of a multi-million member national organization of gun owners or gun enthusiasts. They clearly do not speak as representatives of the armed citizenry of America. The closest thing to that is the armed citizens' elected representatives, locally, statewide and in congress.

      Unfortunately, too many such governmental representatives are opponents of many of the gun rights that many of their constituents believe that they have. Right now, that's the rub.

  3. UPDATE: The sidebar of the "Brooklyn GOP Radio -Official- Show Blog" contains some of Gallo's and Berardelli's explorations " the Twitterverse and beyond..." A faint glimmer of one little sidelight appeared there and it thematically involved this little epiphenomenon: "S.E. Cupp Can't Answer Howard Fineman When Asked Why Civilians Need Assault Rifles."

    I saw the MSNBC clip that gave rise to so much end zone celebration by some on the left. The pulchritudinous atheist conservative MSNBC angel with the "naughty librarian glasses" simply foolishly rushed-in where she should have feared to tread.

    Howard Fineman made a haughty and provocative comparison between rapid fire assault weapons, high capacity magazines and "weapons of mass destruction". Cupp would have none of that, and then engaged in a semantic discussion on what the definition of an assault rifle, or high capacity, or rapid fire might be, claiming that there were many uses and reasons someone would want an assault rifle with some of those capabilities.

    When Fineman asked her to give one example, she punted and said she didn't want to take up the time allotted to the other hosts. If she knew the most important reasons, she must have been embarrassed to say what they are, or perhaps as an atheist simply does not believe in their existence.
