Thursday, November 22, 2012

Serving up a “Jive Turkey” for Thanksgiving — presenting Susan Rice — undistinguished U.N. Ambassador and Obama’s leading contender for Secretary of State speaking-out on her own behalf the night before Thanksgiving

Obama’s U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice now defends her earlier TV appearances, wherein she gave false accounts of the source of the attacks that killed the American Ambassador to Libya and three other U.S. operatives in Benghazi by saying that her statements had been made based on initial information from the intelligence community --- but she still says that demonstrations at U.S. Embassies were part of what she was sent out to talk about 

Speaking to reporters outside the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday evening, Ambassador Rice said,  "When discussing he attack against our facilities in Benghazi, I relied solely and squarely on the information provided to me by the intelligence community."  She continued her explanation, as follows:  "I made clear that the information was preliminary, and that our investigations would give us the definitive answers....  As a senior U.S. diplomat, I agreed to a White House request to appear on the Sunday shows to talk about the full range of national security issues of the day, which at that time were primarily and particularly the protests that were enveloping and threatening many diplomatic facilities, American diplomatic facilities around the world, and Iran's nuclear program."

Her comments attributing the attacks to a mob enraged over an anti-Muslim video posted on YouTube were also widely denounced by Republicans during the U.S. presidential campaign. The attack came on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States, and her critics said it was clearly a terrorist attack intended to coordinate with that anniversary.

Republicans in the House and Senate recently made Susan Rice their main target in the Obama Administration for a variety of reasons. Most important is that Rice has been a longtime Obama insider and is now believed to be his first choice to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is not expected to remain on the job long into the president’s second term. On Monday, 97 House Republicans sent a letter to Obama indicating that they would oppose Rice’s potential nomination, saying her “misleading statements”about Benghazi on five national news programs five days after the fatal  attacks have caused “irreparable damage to her credibility."

Notably absent from Ambassador Susan Rice’s pre-Thanksgiving statements to reporters was anything sounding like “based on the best intelligence available” or “based on what I really knew or believed at the time.”  Ambassador Rice needs to be grilled ASAP about all that she knew concerning Benghazi at the time of her terribly misleading Sunday morning talk show appearances.

The appropriate Congressional committees, or preferably a Special Joint Committee set up to investigate all of the issues related to the Benghazi Scandal, must question Rice about the following: Who gave her the talking points? Who briefed her for the TV appearances?  Was she up to date on all of the intelligence about Benghazi when she spoke on national television on behalf of the Obama Administration to the American public?  >>>>>>  AND WHY FIVE DAYS POST-BENGHAZI-ATTACKS SHE  ---  U.N. AMBASSADOR SUSAN RICE, ASKED BY THE WHITE HOUSE TO APPEAR AS  ITS NATIONAL SPOKESPERSON FOR A "FULL RANGE OF NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES OF THE DAY"  ---  WAS MAKING MULTIPLE NATIONALLY BROADCAST STATEMENTS BASED ON  "PRELIMINARY INFORMATION" THAT ALREADY HAD  BEEN SUPPLANTED BY MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: According to today’s New York Daily News, “Susan Rice deserves a fair shot at being secretary of state — One TV interview should not derail a qualified candidate”

    I completely disagree. Nobody “deserves” a fair shot at being Secretary of State, least of all Susan Rice, whose biggest moments in her life all involved her lying to the American people in five nationally televised interviews five days after the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks. The Republicans in the U.S. Senate should neither forgive nor forget if Rice is ever served up to them by Obama for any reason.

    The U.S. Constitution provides that Lindsey Graham and John McCain, and a bunch of their best friends in the U.S. Senate can tell Barack Obama to shove Susan Rice were the sun never shines, as follows:

    “Article 2 - The Executive Branch *** Section 2 - Civilian Power Over Military, Cabinet, Pardon Power, Appointments *** [The President shall] nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law....”

    Even the U.S. Department of State – Office of the Historian recognizes that, “The President ... was given the power to appoint ambassadors, ministers, and consuls, with Senate approval....”

    If Obama really wants Rice, let her be a recess appointee and re-appointee and re-appointee as Acting Secretary of State. Both Obama and Rice “deserve” no better treatment than that for what they tried to pull in September 2012.
