Monday, November 5, 2012

Republican-Conservative Assembly Candidate Joseph Hayon Redefined his "Little Engine That Could" Campaign in the final days of the race

Hayon, the only Republican-Conservative candidate running in Brooklyn with a position actively opposing the teaching of the acceptability of gay and lesbian marriage to children, linked his Democratic Party opponent Helene Weinstein with the Republican State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos in a last minute attack mailer that puts a spotlight on the mandatory teaching of "same-sex marriage" acceptance as part of all schools' curriculums starting with kindergarten.

According to a press release posted on facebook by Joseph Hayon, it appears that his campaign has received enough funding to produce and send out a striking mailer that goes after both his own opponent and a key Republican leader in New York State.  The mailer is targeted at the whole 41st Assembly District  and features the endorsement of Hayon by Democratic State Senator Ruben Diaz.

The joint attack on Democrat Helene Weinstein and Republican Skelos drives home the point that Joseph Hayon is a very strong and independent Republican social conservative.  It works on many levels.

Going out into the weeds and digging down into the roots under those weeds, Hayon's attacks on Republican State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos began in earnest in the last couple of weeks of his campaign. Those attacks attracted the attention of former GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, who has been leading his own charge against Skelos across the State of New York. More important it attracted more than Paladino's attention  ---  it attracted resources to the Hayon campaign, like the last minute mailer.

Although still terribly underfunded and undermanned, Hayon's campaign has had enough to do phones and a mailer in the final days of his campaign.  This is part of a late coming out of sorts by Hayon, who is on both the Republican and Conservative Party lines, but who had been working for other socially conservative candidates in Brooklyn, some of them Democrats running against Brooklyn GOP candidates endorsed by the Conservative Party.

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