Monday, October 8, 2012

Whither Wendy Long? Is she just another no-name GOP candidate going nowhere? And are the Brooklyn Republican and Conservative Party leaders, Craig Eaton and Gerry Kassar going to do anything for her before election day?

The Conservatives and conservative Republicans fought to have Wendy Long as their statewide Republican-Conservative candidate  —  With a month to go in the 2012 race for U.S. Senator from New York State, she appears to be >>>  The Republican- GONE -servative Candidate for the U.S. Senate from New York  <<<

Today’s Poughkeepsie Journal ran an article about the Republican-Conservative Candidate for the U.S. Senate, running against the incumbent Junior Senator from New York State, Kirsten Gillibrand.  The title of the article written by Michael Hill pretty much tells it all about the Wendy Long candidacy and campaign  —  “Candidate Wendy Long fights for recognition - Republican behind Gillibrand in polls, funding”

According to the Hill-Poughkeepsie Journal article, “.... With Election Day looming Nov. 6, the New York City lawyer spent the past week doing radio interviews and swinging through northern New York for events including a Meet the Republican Candidates Night in Ogdensburg. And, as she has been doing for months, she kept up attacks on the front-runner.... ***  The two women are on different ends of the political spectrum, and in different positions in the race.”

This is the what Republicans and Conservatives need to takeaway from the Poughkeepsie Journal article  >>>  “Gillibrand reported 100 times more campaign cash than Long this summer. ***   A Quinnipiac poll in September reported Gillibrand up by 37 points. That same poll found almost three-quarters of the voters didn’t know enough about Long to form an opinion — a phenomenon echoed on a recent sunny day when more than a dozen New Yorkers questioned by reporters in Albany and Buffalo said they never heard of Long.”

So far, the biggest print news coverage of Wendy Long and her campaign for the U.S. Senate was in an October 7, 2012  New York Times article by Raymond Hernandez, “Two Paths Through Dartmouth Meet in a U.S. Senate Race.” This was a detailed background article focused on the school days of the contenders, Democrat Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (nee Rutnik) and GOP candidate Wendy Long. Essentially, the Hernandez-Times piece was based on published school material and “...interviews with friends, classmates and associates [that suggested and] embodied the grit and ambition that drove the early daughters of Dartmouth, [Ms. Long and Ms. Gillibrand].”  Basically, it made both women seem like trailblazers, but it also made Wendy Long look like a right-wing ideologue and possibly a religious fanatic.

The biggest, widely-reported upcoming political event for the Long Campaign seems to be an October 9th  fund raiser at the New York City “Union League Club” featuring her Dartmouth friends, allies, alumni and fellow Dartmouth Review stalwarts, Laura Ingraham and Dinesh D’Souza, along with enough New York GOP bigs to fill a large phone booth or a small water closet.

In Brooklyn, has anybody heard the Kings County Republican Party of Craig Eaton do or say anything for or about  Wendy Long. Or for that matter, what has Eaton done for or about her candidacy and campaign for the U. S. Senate in the aftermath of Long’s defeat of  Eaton’s candidate in the Republican primary for the  U.S. Senate nomination, Bob Turner?  By the same token, since the primary what has Gerry Kassar, Brooklyn’s Conservative Party boss, done for Wendy Long, other than mention her a few times in his column in a local neighborhood paper?

Wendy Long seems like a nice lady. Is this any way to treat a lady?

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