Thursday, October 18, 2012

Keeping up the “Mitt-mentum” .... Romney appears to be ahead across the board !!!!! BUT — don’t believe that Romney is ahead of President Obama by seven points — ’Cause that ain’t happenin’ !

Mitt Romney has had a real bounce after the FIRST debate ... first it showed as the GOP candidate’s getting back into the game ... then it showed as a trend in his direction ...   And the numbers reflect the impact of the Biden-Ryan debate.  However, this is way too early for that to show Mitt Romney pulling away from Barack Obama. 

Any good coach would tell ou, “Keep playin’ like you’re trying to come from behind, because that’s what the other guy is doin’.”

Here are some of today’s polls and average polling compilations:

General Election: Romney vs. Obama   Gallup Tracking         Romney 52,     Obama 45 -- Romney +7

General Election: Romney vs. Obama   Rasmussen Tracking Romney 49,     Obama 47 -- Romney +2

General Election: Romney vs. Obama    RCP* Average Romney  47.7, Obama  46.7 --                                                                                                                   Romney  +1.0 

RCP** Electoral Count: Romney vs. Obama                           Romney  206,  Obama 201,
                                                                                                         Toss Ups    131

RCP*  — “Real Clear Politics” (From polls 10/7-10/17)
RCP**  — “Real Clear Politics” Electoral College Projected Count (October 18, 2012 -- first
                    time showing Mitt Romney ahead)                  

There’s still almost three weeks to go until Election Day.  The results of the SECOND Obama-Romney Debate (or as some GOPers suggest “The Obama-Romney-Crowley Debate”) have yet to be factored into any polls). Oh yeah! There is still the THIRD Debate to be held on Monday evening ( and Bob Schieffer of CBS News probably  has brass knuckles, a rasp, mace, a Walther PPK,  and a KGB-designed BB pellet  injecting device to use on any candidate taking "unfair advantage"  ---  for this debate on foreign policy, "unfair advantage" means saying or doing anything that might make Mitt Romney look and/or sound better than President Obama in any way). 

And of course  —   Unexpected  EVENTS   –   Manufactured  EVENTS   –   Taken Completely Out of Context EVENTS  —  Self-inflicted Unforced Error EVENTS  –  New takes on old EVENTS  —   possibly even  MONUMENTAL OVERWHELMINGLY SIGNIFICANT EVENTS [like, let’s say something like this  —  After yesterday’s announcement that Iran had weaponized its nuke fuel, the U.S. and Israel are engaged in on-going large-scale air operations and sea-launched missile attacks on targets across Iran, along with several special operations around the globe  — the Iranian response, including counter-attacks....  Russia and China....   you can fill in your doomsday scenario of choice]

In 1957, the then-new British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was asked what would determine the course of his government. He answered with one of the greatest truisms ever uttered by any player on any national or world stage:  "Events, my good man, events !"  This is a phrase of universal application, it was even applied to local events by a person commenting on a Gatemouth posting “Ancient Order of Blarney Edition” on “Room Eight” back when former Congressman Weiner was recent “Old News”, after having been “exposed” Emailing and Tweeting self-portraits.

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