Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's more than a month later, so why can't the POTUS tell US what happened to his/our ambassador to Libya in words we can understand and believe

Yesterday the South Carolina Democratic State Chairman Dick Harpootlian appeared on Megyn Kelly's show. Harpootlian questioned how anybody could be assessing blame for the Benghazi fiasco because nobody even knows what U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was doing there or why as the U.S. Ambassador, he had no adequate security. Last night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton assumed the responsibility for any lack of security.  Some very important questions need to be answered ASAP.

What is known is that Ambassador Stevens slipped into Benghazi directly from Europe aboard a ship. What has not been disclosed is what he was actually doing there nor is it known why he did not have adequate security once he arrived back “in country”.

Some have said that Dick Harpootlian's remarks show that the Obama folks are getting ready for an attempt at blaming one of the victims for what happened in Benghazi. Those observers say that by suggesting  Ambassador Stevens shouldn't have gone to Benghazi without adequate security, his death could have been his own fault. Furthermore, that by even asking, “Why did he do that?”  Harpootlian and others like him are implying that our murdered ambassador shouldn't have done that.

All of that is very interesting as conjecture. A more interesting and telling question is: Why more than one month after the still problematic, but probable, memorial attack on Benghazi on September 11, 2012 that resulted in the death of the U.S. Ambassador, neither the President of the United States nor his Secretary of State are prepared to tell the people of the United States the basic details of what happened to their ambassador nor are they prepared give some credible explanation why so little credible information is available after a whole month.

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