Sunday, October 28, 2012

Issue-based Debate Breaks Out at Blog of The Brooklyn Young Republican Club Over Hayon's Attacks on Weinstein and Skelos

The posting of  Joseph Hayon's Press Release,  "NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY CANDIDATE JOSEPH HAYON BLAMES HELENE WEINSTEIN, DEAN SKELOS FOR RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION" and a critical responding post by  Jonathan Judge, entitled, “Can our economy thrive when ‘Liberty’ is not for all?” prompts a spirited debate on the Brooklyn Young Republican Club home page 

A few days ago the Brooklyn Young Republican Club almost verbatim posted a provocative press release submitted by  Joseph Hayon, the Republican-Conservative candidate running for the 41st AD Assembly seat now held by Helene Weinstein. The main line of attack in Hayon’s release was against his opponent Ms. Weinstein, but in addition Hayon made an oblique attack on the GOP State Senate Majority Leader, Dean Skelos. As a cudgel against Weinstein and Skelos, Hayon used the recent case brought by a lesbian couple against a New York State businessman, who had refused to allow the lesbian couple to book his “farm” for their wedding, the businessman citing religious objections as his reason for the refusal. According to Mr. Hayon, who is an Orthodox Jew and is running as a strong family values conservative, the use of the New York State Law permitting Gay Marriage in this manner is an attack on religious freedom and constitutes religious persecution.

Yesterday, Jonathan Judge, the Chairman of the Board of the Brooklyn Young Republican Club, posted an issue based rebuttal to the Joseph Hayon press release that had appeared on the BYRC blog, citing free market economics and the Republican Party’s historical position in favor of equal rights under the law. An interesting debate ensued in the comments following the post by Mr. Judge, stressing libertarian concepts of freedom of association, the freedom to contract and the free use of one’s property as the main arguments against Judge’s position. The commentary included several comments by the well known Brooklyn Libertarian-Republican, Gary Popkin.

Nothing like the competing posts and commentary that appeared on the Brooklyn Young Republican Club home page has been observed on any of the blogs operated by the establishment GOP of Chairman Craig Eaton. 


  1. All previous comments made by the Brooklyn GOP or their supporters on any blog are senseless and without content.

  2. Should a farmer be "permitted" to refuse to rent his farm for any reason or no reason? Does the government have the right to give or refuse "permission" to a person as to the use of his property? Does the farmer have to justify his refusal to rent? In a free society, do all parties to a transaction have to agree to the transaction, or can one or more parties be coerced into accepting the terms of the others?

    If you know the answers to these questions, you might be a libertarian.

    This is not an issue of gay marriage, religious freedom, or religious persecution. This is an issue of private property.

    Hey, and thanks for calling we well known.

    1. Whoops, typo. Thanks for calling me well known.
