Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Russell Gallo, Gene Berardelli and Craig Eaton's GOP “Radio” Silence

Is it all simple and straight forward ?  Or, is it all about y/k/w from Bay Ridge?

It’s been months since there has been a blogcast on “Brooklyn GOP [blog] Radio” and weeks since there has been a posting on the “Brooklyn GOP Radio - Official - Show Blog”. Even the sidebar tweets of Russell C. Gallo and Gene R. Berardelli have been minimal. This is indeed very strange, because Kings County Republican Leader Craig Eaton had repeatedly extolled the “...GOP Radio...” stuff as a major part of a perceived  Republican renaissance in Southwest Brooklyn.

I am getting conflicting reports from my field operatives. One or two (one more so than the other) have said that Russell Gallo is completely invested, time-wise, in his campaign for the Assembly against Democrat incumbent Assemblyman Steve Cymbrowitz; another, who only occasionally looks in on things in the 45th AD, says Gallo is all mopes, frowns and rages. Of course, both can be correct vis a vis Gallo and his campaign (depending when you’re bumping-into or not-bumping-into Mr. Gallo), but the two differing scenarios can make all the difference in the world explaining Gallo’s absence from the “...GOP Radio...” stuff.

The Gene R. Berardelli front is a little tougher to figure out. After all, both of the  “...GOP Radio...” things are his babies.  The leading theories from those NOT in a position to know, except by limited casual contact, are as follows: a) the burn-out theory, Gene B. worked too hard doing almost everything for more than six months for Craig Eaton’s branch of the Brooklyn GOP, and as a result, Berardelli is played out [the modified version is that, in addition to that, he owes his day job a lot of work]; b) Berardelli is spending all his spare time working on the Gallo campaign; and c) there are ongoing personal matters that require a lot of Gene B’s attention. I think it is very likely that it’s an “all of the above” scenario – plus a possible “wet blanket” being applied by the “Bay Ridge Cabal” for the benefit of y/k/w.

One of the old hands with a firm grip on the leash of the Brooklyn GOP, who likes to yank it hard with some frequency, thinks all of the insider GOP blogging, for and against Eaton, etc.,  is a big waste of time, effort and money. He is known to have the ear of y/k/w; and for some time now, what y/k/w says  — goes.

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